House M.D. | Pain Changed Me

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▷ Hi!! I'm back! I hope you enjoy my latest House M.D. edit! It’s a similar style to my original House edit, ‘Pain’ and that’s what I was aiming for. It was really fun to use the last episode which I don’t usually do in my videos lol. Anyway, make sure you like and subscribe for more!



▷ series - house m.d.
▷ editing program - final cut pro x
▷ song - the sun is rising — whitesand

▷ support whitesand’s music


▷ Instagram - @jxpper / @alrightabigail
▷ tumblr - @jxpper
▷ twitter - @alrightabigail



▷ Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use
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This show changed me in a way I can’t even describe. It’s the only show I ever saw that influenced me in such a massive way. House will forever be my favorite character. Forever


As someone that lives in a world of never-ending pain like house; the saddest and most relatable moment for me is when house put that Canadian amputee landlord out of pain, and then his look of envy at the mans relief. It made me cry. Im not an amputee, but i know i will never be free of my pain in my leg.


This series changed me..after seeing house I started seeing all things in a different gave me confidence n not to rely on other people.. House will always be my favourite Character.... house MD is the best show I have ever known...


I'm 42 now. At 29 years old, I met an amazing woman who was ready to spend her life with me. A year prior I had lost my mom. I had also been dealing with anxiety and depression prior to her passing due to neglect from my alcoholic father. I was able to function, at least that's what I thought. I got a good job and got promoted even despite experiencing my first symptoms of PTSD.

I failed to seek intensive care though. Instead, I blew up my career after three years and my relationship. All I could feel was fear.

I loved the show when it first aired. However, seeing it now gets to me on a whole different level.

I f'ed up my life. I hurt people who loved and am terrified every day.

I have thoughts of ending it for over a decade now. My mind feels like mush and I am ashamed of my actions and where I have ended up.

Life is about creating wonderful memories. Feeling complete. To leave something of worth behind.

I managed to sabotage all of this. Instead, fear turned me into a coward.

I am ready to leave

I am sorry to all the people I've hurt. I really am especially to the woman who has not been in my life for over a decade now.

"We suffer alone. We die alone..."

This really hits hard


The sad truth deep down is that ultimately, physical pain isn't what changed Dr. Gregory House. The cause of his misery in truth was his endless utter terror of feeling emotional pain. Despite this however, he preferred to remain in pain to some degree simply because he thought in his mind that it made him a better doctor, giving him his gift. This was something Gregory House could never sacrifice, after all his gift allowed him to do his job and also solve the medical puzzles which interested him... and well in many ways that was his greatest addiction. Solving puzzles, just like his Vicodin, his alcohol abuse, his use of prostitutes and endless sarcasm... it was a way for him to reduce pain and possibly his most effective way to do so truthfully, his greatest addiction was his job, and that is what changed him.


Great to know people still make videos about this great show!


Emotional pain changed me. I'm better off alone now.


“If it could have been, you’re capable of it now.”


I mean I can’t even...


House MD is the best medical drama out there. It taught me MANY life lessons like to never expect more than what you know of. It changed me and the way I look at things. Sometimes it’s okay to be alone. So thank you for making this amazing edit of the most amazing medical drama out there. ❤️


I want to be honest...
Your House videos are the best videos I ever saw in my life (I'm only 16, but I think this won't change).
Thank you! 😔😌


The thing you have to understand is House is not a sociopath, and he does feel bad and guilty by always losing and hurting people because of the way he treats them and because of his obsession to do the right thing which makes people around him go away from him, and vicodin takes away all that guilt and sadness, so he continues being as he is until season 6, there's where he addresses his problems, because he stops taking vicodin, and now he becomes a normal person or better than he was before, but because of how life is shit, cuddy leaves him and things go extremely bad in his life and he again goes on vicodin because the pain was just too much. House shouldn't have ended at season 8 or before House fights his demons, but I like that it ended on season 8 as it still leaves House as a mystery, and on an open ending.


It's rough to relate to something like this. It makes my heart heavy.
I wish House could have happiness and keep it. He deserves it.
You created this beautifully. I may sometimes sound repetitive, but it's just because all of your videos are so excellent. Even if I don't follow the show/movie you edit for, I'm interested in it anyway.
I'm interested in Doctor Who because of David Tennant and the 12th Doctor who's played by Capaldi, and I remembered that you had made a few videos on The Doctor, and I was excited to somehow check the show out and come back to your vids when they make more sense, ha ha.
Also, Good Omens. Excellent show and book. I have yet to watch or read either, but I've seen enough videos to become quite obsessed.


All heroic deeds require a cost otherwise they're not really heroic. There has to be a dragon, there has to be risk, there has to be pain... and he endures that pain, and fights that dragon. And he pays that price in lots of different ways. And he pays it for the sake of seeking out this bigger truth - Hugh Laurie on House


House M.D is my favourite show of all time


Everyone likes the character but not people that are like him


I wish I meant something like this to someone.


"I met someone who changed my life. Then... she left"

If that doesn't hit hard. Especially since I know it was my fault she left.
She's too nice to say as much, but I fucked it up. We were talking about moving in together, called one another husband and wife, and then one day she just.... said she had to do her own thing and that she was sorry.

Six months later she explained it to me, but I still think I'm responsible.
Have a lot of house-ish tendencies without the life saving, so the absolute worst.

Some of us just... deserve to be alone. Sad to say I'm such a person.


Got pain for 12 years screw others that thinks it psychological


I literally finished the series minutes ago


It is honestly a fantastic job on the edit. But I realise that audio is one of the trickiest thing. I could barely hear out anything being said because the music was so loud.
