Growing Pains: Avoiding Module Hell - PuppetConf 2013

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As the Puppet community grows by leaps and bounds we find ourselves having many of the same problems other software development communities have. Whether its libraries in C, JARs in Java, or gems in Ruby the basic unit of software can be a huge source of problems. With the proliferation of modules on the forge, Github, or internally grow we face the same problems. How many times have you gone to pull in a module only to find it requires a conflicting sudo module? How many Apache modules are there and why are they all different? Where did that class go, the version only changed by 0.0.1? As a community we should address these challenges early or face our own module hell.

Chad Metcalf
Infrastructure Engineer, WibiData
Chad Metcalf leads the Infrastructure Engineering team at WibiData. His team is charged with developing the infrastructure, tools and automation that help drive a company building Big Data Applications. Previously he lead the Infrastructure Operations team at Cloudera building large Hadoop clusters and occasionally pretending to be a network engineer. When not pretending to be someone who understands networking he enjoys living in San Francisco, taking his wife out for dinner, and playing with his 75 pound pit-mix, River.
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