Back to work FULL TIME after being a STAY AT HOME MOM | beingmommywithstyle

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No longer a hypothetical! Today's video, I chat a bit about the transition of going back to work full-time after being a stay at home mom! I have been a stay at home mom for 7 years while my girls were younger and they both went off to grade school this year. I have been offered a position that appears to be flexible so I can continue doing my YouTube channel, and uses the experience I've gained here on YouTube the past 5 years! I'm excited to take it on and chat a bit about what I think sequencing back into the workplace will be like!

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** This is not a sponsored video. All opinions are my own.

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So exciting! This is still quite a few years away for me but I'm interested to hear all about the transition! How do your girls feel about you going back to work?


Congratulations Di! I work part time, I enjoy the best of both worlds. Hope the transition goes smoothly for you. The company you will be working with is lucky to have you.


Me too!!! I've been home for 4 years. I just went back to work. I miss my boys.


I'm retired now, but I never had success going back to work after I had my children.  I found they needed me more being home.  My adult children have thanked me for always being there when they got home.  Good luck to you, I hope it works out.


Yeeess!! Im so proud of you. Im sure your girls are proud too. I have been a working mom for seven years, my girls are similar ages and I was so glad to find your channel. I discovered your channel through Disney vacations. Praying you have a easy transition. Im sure you will continue to be a great role model to both Natalie and Bella.


I always tell moms to do what works best for their family. Each family is different. As long as you and your family are happy and healthy, do what you feel is best. I've also learned that I can learn things from working moms to help me schedule more as a SAHM. I'm looking forward to more of your videos!


Congrats Di!!!! I went back to work after being a SAHM for 2 and half yrs but I am only doing part time. So I am at work when my girls are in school. All the very best...I can’t wait for videos on ur new routines and stuff 😍


Congratulations! I just went back to work teaching part time after 8 years at home. It was harder on my husband and kids than me! Haha!


Congrats Diana!!! Wishing you the best for this new chapter!!!


Good luck!! I was working full time until about a year ago and since having my third baby I've transitioned to working part time from home. Just a warning - two full time working parents is LOT. Make sure you and your husband are very open to rearranging household responsibilities and picking up the slack. I found that good communication was more vital when there wasn't that one person holding down the fort at home full time (or even part time). Also, when my husband and I were both working full time someone told me that with two working parents it takes three caregivers to raise the kids. I remember being offended by that at first but it's so true - make sure you find good camps and after school programs that you really trust because it will help your mind stay focused at work to know your kids are somewhere safe and having fun. I can't wait to watch your journey!


I have been a SAHM for 6 years now and am looking at going back to school next semester. Its a scary jump for our family as I still have a little one not in school yet. Id love to hear how you will handle after school care or activities such as girl scouts etc. Also Id love to see how you handle meal and homework time as a working mom. Maybe freezer meals, crockpot or quick meals. Good luck on your exciting new adventure!!


Did you find that when you went back to work, you did not like that you were at the mercy of your employer vs when you could work on your own schedule? After being self-employed and enjoying the flexibility of that, I really had difficulty with someone telling me what to do and forcing me to work on their schedule. Plus, being a mom, you are the boss, it is difficult to be on the bottom at work. How did you deal with that and which do you prefer?


Wow!!! Im so excited for you!! Im also very intrested to see how you will do it all as iv been wanting to vlog for about a year now but i keep putting myself off as i work and didnt think i could do it all! Goid luck i just know you will be fantastic!!! X


Congratulations! My husband and I were just talking about if I'll return to work after the kids go to school and how lucky we are that I am able to be home with them. I hope the transition is going well for you...can't wait to see!


I hope your transition goes smoothly. It is a different world for sure. I actually just transitioned to wahm after being in an office for the better part of 20 years mainly due to my children's school locations pretty much demanding a lifestyle change. I have a 2nd grader and a 9th grader so life is never dull for sure. Your videos have helped me quite a bit since I came home.

Fortunately I found a company in my field who works with a decentralized team. It sounds like you found something you will enjoy so that's great.


Congratulations !!!! Best of luck on your new position. I am a working mom and even though I sometimes miss being a stay at home mom I prefer to work. I enjoy the adult interaction and the challenges that working gives you. The only thing I find hard is finding time for laundry. I use to do laundry daily, but now I skip days so I can spend time with the kids after school.


I'm finishing school for my social work degree and after that I'll be a full time working mom. Even before I started school, I was mostly a full time working mom. I could only push out 2 to 3 videos a week. It's tough to do it all. But I'm sure you'll do great at both. Can't wait to see how it all goes.


Di, this is exciting! Congratulations hon! Can't wait to see how this works out for you... I'm happy for you and excited for the next phase in your life and career. Good luck!


Congratulations! You will love getting out and spending time with people who enjoy the same things as you. Like everything there will be some adjustments but you are so organized it will all be fine.  Good Luck!!


Congratulations! Coming from a family with 2 full- time working parents, my biggest tip is don't take your work home with you. It might be frustrating or hard sometimes but when you leave that office, the work is done for the day and you focus on beingmommywithstyle and family. Much love to you!
