Tiny Tim's TV Debut

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The most iconic character ever introduced to the American Television Viewing Audience, was named Tiny Tim. He looked weird, sounded strange and had bizarre mannerisms. He made his TV debut 50 years ago on the series premiere of Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In on January 22, 1968.
This video is presented under the Fair Use allowance of Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 of the US Copyright Law for the purpose of advancing the historical understanding and significance this event had on the nation’s fledgling television industry and its role in providing free entertainment to millions of people who would otherwise go without.
This video is presented under the Fair Use allowance of Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 of the US Copyright Law for the purpose of advancing the historical understanding and significance this event had on the nation’s fledgling television industry and its role in providing free entertainment to millions of people who would otherwise go without.
Tiny Tim's TV Debut
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TinyTim: King For A Day Official Trailer
Tiny Tim's Wedding on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show
Tiny Tim Trailer Deutsch | German [HD]
Tiny Tim - King for a Day - Officiell svensk trailer
Inside Tiny Tim's Painful Final Days
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Tiny Tim Joke Wall | Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In | George Schlatter
Tiny Tim on Laugh-in 29/4/1968 Season 1 Episode 15
reacting to all the lazytown stephanie’s
Yum Yum (Demo) (Remastered - Demo Session #1)
When Janis Joplin met Raquel Welch on the Dick Cavett Show (1970)
Tiny Tim's Toys