[578] Ford 'Tibbe' Key Ignition Lock Picked and Decoded

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Discovered you while I was stuck for FOUR HOURS waiting on a tow truck from AAA. The truck never came, but I called a 24/7 locksmith who was more than happy to pick my car open. I’ve been watching for the past few weeks since then, and enjoy your commentary and knowledge on locks very much. Thank you and keep up the good work! Can’t wait to see video #1000!!


I am not a lock enthusiast, but I love these videos. What amazes me is how all of these manufacturers have utterly failed in innovating lock systems to be at least a little more challenging to pick. Surely there are ways to make locks more secure!!! After watching these videos I have a very different perspective on locks in general. It make me realize just how unsecure all my stuff is. Thank you, because it is better to know than have a false sense of security.


LPL: This lock looks really hard to pick.
Also LPL: *Pulls out the one and only tool that would demolish the lock*


In addition to this lock Jaguar has another security device : half the time your Jag isn't going to run.


every time I watch one of your video I feel a little bit less safe hehehe wow ! Good video !


when these showed up here in Brazil about the year 2000 the car vendors used to say that no one could pick those locks... they only lasted for 1 generation of ford cars and then ford switched back to standard locks, the vendors said it was because they were too expensive to make. Thanks for showing me the truth about them.


Just an observation, most companies that use vehicles with this type of cylinder, install secondary deadlocks in the doors and an immobiliser. In many cases it's an insurance requirement. Only a few weeks ago a neighbour had their van and tools driven off their driveway. Apparently a tracker was secretly installed in the vehicle by dubious service technicians, who then tracked the van back to his home. Good video!


Thank you so much!!! My girlfriend lost the key to her fiesta and had the spare in her handbag in the car.... Don't ask. One of these tools next day from amazon was £30 and it too less than 30 seconds thanks to your video. I was looking at prices to have some one do this and it was £250-300. Thanks again and keep picking!!!


interesting fact on this lock is that any "Tibbe" key will lock the car, but only the original key will open it, real pain if you have 2 Fords but only 1 set of keys seen it happen many times where Tradesmen lock the firms van with their car key. Then see that the key is in the ingition and the spare set is at a HQ 100 miles away.


I believe the Merkur Scorpio used that same key. I was completely obsessed with keys and would go to hardware stores and collect miscuts. Love your videos.


Fun fact: you can use any Tibbe key to open the bonnet release, fuel door and also to lock (although not unlock) the driver's door on any Ford that utilizes this type of key.


Your videos are such great material for commercial tow truck drivers and law enforcement officials. Fascinating.


My dad had an interesting story about this type of key:

He wanted to buy a Jaguar XJ some years ago, a deal her had three of them, all different colours. The dealer was on the phone when my dad asked for the keys to look at one, the dealer handed him the keys but didn't tell him which one they opened.

Fortunately it opened the one my dad was interested in. Unfortunately it also opened the other two 😅

We were also part of a kit car club where the donor cars were Sierra's. We've seen those things started with spoons and even a lollipop stick (though that one took some doing!)


I have to say this tool is amazing I used it this morning after watching this video a few months ago I got the key from eBay I can’t believe how easy it was then again anything is easy when you have a cheat sheet thanks to you LPL!


I have one of these tools.
Let me tell you, do NOT put this in an ignition lock. It picks really easy, i was very suprised, much faster than the door locks. BUT: it is nearly impossible to get the tool out again.
There is a spring pushing agains the back of the lock, if it's installed. This spring pressure makes it difficult to get the tool out again.


My old company always used those Transit vans. The look on my boss's face after showing him this vid, was classic. Thanks bruddha! 😆


There have been a whole bunch of tools for the tibbe but this one is without doubt my favourite. The concentric tube thing is so beautiful and I shamelessly ripped it off on one my disc detainer tools.


Love your videos lawyer, you make them so a ordinary person can understand.you don't belittle trying to make yourself look like a magician, you break down the task wonderfully.you should have been a teacher..really appreciate your videos about lock picking, learned so much already..


Great demo. Wasn't sure on how these worked til now. Cheers


glad I found this again. I just opened up a ford transit using this tool. I just "played" with it for a bit and then got it open. I took notes from your video and will have them with this tool. thank you
