How The Euclid Telescope Explores The Mysteries Of The Universe #euclidtelescope #nasa #esa #space
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A European telescope launched from Florida, USA, to find answers to one of the biggest questions in the world of science: what is the universe made of? This mission is named Euclid which will take pictures of billions of distant galaxies and create a perfect three-dimensional or 3D map of this universe. Scientists will try to get an idea about the so-called dark matter and dark energy with the help of this map. In this video we will try to find out exactly how the Euclid telescope is looking for the secret of the creation of the universe Hey friends I am ft raj so let's start the video
These two things are thought to control the size and extent of everything we see in the universe
However researchers admit that they still don't know much about this dark matter and dark energy and none of it can be directly identified
Now to learn about these two issues, the 3D map created by Euclid will be used, with the help of which scientists will try to understand what kind of effect dark energy and dark matter have on the time and space of the universe
Professor Isobel Hooke, a lecturer and astronomer at Lancaster University in the UK said this lack of knowledge means we can't really explain our origins He says the findings from the Euclid mission will help us understand the universe
This mission is like sailing a ship before knowing where the land is
How we got to where we are today and how all the amazing galaxies were formed after the Big Bang moment, how the solar system was formed and life was born
Scientists say that with the help of the Euclid telescope, it will be possible to go back to the history of the universe 1000 years ago
Although initially a project of the European Space Agency, NASA also contributed significantly to the mission especially in the science and engineering aspects of the telescope
Previous research suggests that 70% of all energy in the universe is dark energy About 25% is dark matter and the remaining 5% is stars, gas dust, planets and visible objects like us
The Euclid telescope will conduct two six-year surveys to gain insight into this mysterious 95% of the universe
#space mission
These two things are thought to control the size and extent of everything we see in the universe
However researchers admit that they still don't know much about this dark matter and dark energy and none of it can be directly identified
Now to learn about these two issues, the 3D map created by Euclid will be used, with the help of which scientists will try to understand what kind of effect dark energy and dark matter have on the time and space of the universe
Professor Isobel Hooke, a lecturer and astronomer at Lancaster University in the UK said this lack of knowledge means we can't really explain our origins He says the findings from the Euclid mission will help us understand the universe
This mission is like sailing a ship before knowing where the land is
How we got to where we are today and how all the amazing galaxies were formed after the Big Bang moment, how the solar system was formed and life was born
Scientists say that with the help of the Euclid telescope, it will be possible to go back to the history of the universe 1000 years ago
Although initially a project of the European Space Agency, NASA also contributed significantly to the mission especially in the science and engineering aspects of the telescope
Previous research suggests that 70% of all energy in the universe is dark energy About 25% is dark matter and the remaining 5% is stars, gas dust, planets and visible objects like us
The Euclid telescope will conduct two six-year surveys to gain insight into this mysterious 95% of the universe
#space mission