Space Black M3 Pro Macbook Pro Review - I’m returning it

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Great video Oilur - All Max models (M1, M2 & M3) export twice as fast as the Pro models because the Max models have 2 Apple Media Engines vs 1 Apple Media Engine in the Pro models. The media engines haven't been changed over the last three years so M3 will export in a similar time to M1 as long as it's Pro vs Pro or Max vs Max. That doesn't explain the M1 Pro results in your video from 2 years ago but this is why your new M3 (Pro) is exporting at half the speed of your M1 (Max). Hope that helps :)


As someone who works in tech. I can say the reasoning others have stated for the issue you're experiencing has nothing to do with "memory bandwidth", rather it has to do with Apple's choice to reshuffle P (performance) and E (efficiency) cores this generation. In both previous generations of Apple silicon, both the Pro and the Max chips kept the same amount of CPU cores as well as P and E cores. For example the M1 Max and Pro chips both had 10 core CPU's with 8 P cores and 2 E cores. In the M3 generation however, they decreased the amount of P cores the Pro chip has and increased the amount of E cores to 6 P cores and 6 E cores meaning that your M1 Max actually has more performance cores. In addition to this the primary way to increase the speed of a GPU is to add more cores, meaning that since your M1 Max has more GPU cores, in most productivity tasks that dont take advantage of the new ray tracing and mesh shading technology, your M1 Max will be significantly faster than the M3 Pro.

if you are looking for a substantial difference in performance the M3 Max will have far more GPU cores as well as 10 P cores and 4 E cores (16 total) on the top spec variant meaning it'll be a far faster chip in every way compared to your M1 Max.


The music for this video was gloriously selected!


this is why more youtubers should review both before recommending. so many youtubers review the Max model and then recommend the Pro as well even tho they didnt try it, simply off of benchmarks. you’re one of the few that tries both and its much more helpful. i got the M1 Pro and it has definitely had some issues i didn’t expect


As a non video editor. I was deciding between the M2 Air 13/15 and the M3 Pro Macbook Pro 12c 18GB. After trying both, I stuck with the M3 Pro Macbook Pro. Reason being, I prefer the efficiency cores of the new model. I could get idle battery usage at around 4Wh-5Wh giving between 18-14 hours run time. High performance tasks is not an issue with me, happy to wait now and then a few seconds and then gain from the longer battery overall.


Hi Oilur. This time apparently M3 Pro is completely different chip compared to its MAX variant. With M1/2 it used to be that the jump from Pro to MAX was mainly in terms of graphics performance, but not in CPU. Basically the CPU cores configuration was identical between the two tiers. With M3 on the other hand, Apple is approaching things in a different way. M3 Pro has 6P + 6E cores, while M3 Max has 12P cores and 4E cores. This makes a lot more sense in terms of segmentation for Apple, because the majority of users that didn't that much graphics power were buying only the Pro models. Now going with a MAX variant means you have gains in both CPU and GPU. 

In your workflow, Final Cut relies more on the performance cores. Coming from 8P cores to 6P cores, inevitably will have a performance hit.


The answer to the problem is that final cut 10.7, which introduces optimizations for M3, was not released when you ran your tests. This should be available in the < 2 weeks. For every chipset iteration, FCP must be updated.


Gutted you’ve had to return as you were so excited for the new version!


My 14” M1 Max is still flying through my workflows. I don’t expect I’ll need to upgrade for some years yet.


Max chips have twin video encoders.
M1 Max, M2 Max, M3 Max all have 2.
Pro chips have single video encoders.
M1 Pro, M2 Pro, M3 Pro all have one. = big difference in video encode speed.


Great video comparing the new pros. For me as a video editor, this helped a lot and have decided to pull the trigger on the m3 max. New sub!


I agree with you on the memory. 8GB is not enough for a "Pro" device. 16GB should be standard. Having said that, my M2 Air with 8GB works just fine for the office work I use the machine for. I think the difference you're seeing is software specific and the software not being optimized for the M3 chip. Speed might improve as software catches up.


This thing’s outer shell might not collect as many fingerprints, but the keyboard is an absolute fingerprint magnet


Not an Apple specialist but the issue might be because of the lowered memory bandwidth on the newer CPUs. Check "Memory Bandwidth M1 Max" and same for M3 Pro. A quick google search for me yields 150GB/s vs 400GB/s (not sure if 14-inch M1 Max can utilize the full 400).


Thank you for the wonderful wallpapers. When I bought my first MacBook Pro, I was reading a lot of reviews. I fell in love with the reviews and wallpapers, so I bought it. Thank you so much and I look forward to more great content.


We have taxes in America too. Your same configuration in America is $3799 before taxes and $4122.86 after taxes. M3 Pro 14 12 CPU/18GPU, 36 GB of Ram and a 4TB HD.


I am happy with my m3 pro. It's my first macbook pro so I have nothing to compare it to other than my 4090 htpc and 3080 pc..


I believe your old scores comparing the M1 Pro and M1 Max models show little difference because you were using an older version of Final Cut Pro. Try comparing them again now and you’ll see the additional media engine in the max models have a stronger influence on video editing performance. This additional media engine in the M1 Mac is also why it performs better than the M3 pro in your use case. Hope this helps!


maan, your video colour is gorgeous, thanks for it, m3pro 14in amazing, love love love, it was highly enjoyable to watch your review


Completely agree on the silly costs from Apple to upgrade ram and storage. Very good review.
