Edward Jones vs. Lindsey Graham?

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Blue-collar is me, but this is a thought I had today. Check it out!!
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Maybe I’m weird but I’ve always liked the smell of welding.


Good Morning, I never thought I would see my country in this kind of shape... you are far too smart, and not greedy enough to be in politics.. Stay Safe..


I almost voted for harrison rather than graham. The felt like the same though


Do it, you can run! Man you can do it.


You're a good man Mossy, keep your soul and avoid politics.


Those who don't want to be in power seem more humble and more qualified than those who made a career out of bring in office. I am 30 years old. I have a good job pay my all of the deductions taken out of my paycheck. I pay taxes when I make a dollar, invest that dollar, then spend that dollar. These people who have been in office since I was born, who I am paying their salaries through taxes have no Idea what I want. I don't want to pay for some addicts Narcan shot or treatment for that matter. I don't want to pay for wars in countries I will never visit. I don't want to bail out companies who miss manage their money. I don't want to pay more taxes on my property because I used my earned money to make improvements. I just want to be left alone. I think you should run for office.


I'd say go for it, I remember someone saying years ago that people who hate being a politician usually make the best politicians. But politics is also a cutthroat game so you should be prepared for that as well.


You vs "Lady G"? The smart vote is you hands down brother. GOP is useless, they are the Dems of the 80s. You'd have my vote, a true strong willed conservative. The problem is this is a rich person's game, look at the spends this year alone. Crazy. Politics is a dirty biz too, hopefully it wouldn't destroy your soul. Personally I don't think you could make any impact at the Federal level, I think your time would be better spent locally and maybe at the state level. Until we have a mindset shift away from the socialist bs you'll just get steamrolled. I think we need a longer term, ground up/grassroots return back to individual freedoms, which can't be enabled from the top down.

But if you decide to give it a whirl, there'll be at least a few of us SCers who'll vote for you!


SP1 has asked people in his area to spend an afternoon in a park on the 15th look up his channel for details.


I'm an honest man, so I'll give you an honest answer. I don't think you'd make a good politician. I've met and dealt with several. They're a certain sort of animal. They memorize a limited batch of phrases and spit them out on cue. You're thoughtful and intelligent and your natural instinct is to think and reason. Those instincts will get you killed in politics. You deal with the truth and reality. There is no truth or reality in politics. Reason is of very little value. I'd vote for you for sure, but I don't think you have enough of a dark side to win or survive in that environment, and I'm sure you'd be miserable. Stay human and stick to honest work would be my advice.


I wouldn't want to be a politician either. The thought is noble but the reality is it's a dirty business and you have to like public speaking which I don't. But if you have enough ego to do it but not so much ego and still know how to be humble, maybe you can pull it off! Good luck to you


Run democrat. You'll win. Its that easy.
