Understanding Dysautonomia With Migraines And Headaches

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In this video I get into some of the basic principles of understanding how our autonomic function works and what happens when things go wrong and dysautonomia, migraines and headaches are created.

Our autonomic nervous system functions off of two branches:

The sympathetic nervous system also known as the fight or flight or fight/flight/flee/freeze nervous system is the side that respond to stress and mobilizes resources for us to fight of enemies and hyper focus to get out of difficult situations.

The parasympathetic nervous system is the rest/digest/repair side of the nervous system and is responsible for the fine tuning of our organs regular daily functioning and the maintenance and cooperation of our entire body as a whole.

When we are sleeping, rested and relaxed we are parasympathetic but when we are overwhelmed, excited, exercising or stressed we are in the sympathetic side.

Dyysfunction in our autonomic nervous system begins happening when we develop an abnormal sympathetic response that doesn't allow us to be parasympathetic often enough to maintain normal functioning.

Often times in things like dysautonomia and migraines or headaches the early stages of this may begin in childhood when we go through highly stressful environments and trauma.

We want to make sure we stay fine tuned by using the exercises in the video regularly.

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P.S. Disclaimer time – Always consult your primary care physician before taking any supplements or medications. Remember, I'm not a doctor and don't pretend to be... So this video is not (and should not be) considered medical advice. This content is strictly the opinion of Migraine Professional, and is for informational and educational purposes only. Neither Migraine Professional nor the publisher of this content take responsibility for any possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content.
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Many thanks for taking time out to film this. A timely reminder that I really need to be more disciplined with breathing, diet and exercise (BTW, I feel my headaches and migraine are triggered by sensory processing issues, which is linked to ANS).


My son deals with all of that and we will try everything you mentioned I'll let u know how things turn out in a few days


I get super dizzy whenever I crouch down and stand up, even briefly, like at the gym or gardening. Worse before or during migraine. I also have trouble regulating my body temperature and gave terrible circulation but that does improve with exercise. I’m guessing these are due to autonomic dysfunction but not sure.


My son deals with all of that and we will try everything you mentioned I'll let u know how things turn out in a few days
