HOW TO STUDY (Effectively) FOR THE LSAT | How I Scored a 175

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Hi guys! Here's a detailed overview of my LSAT study schedule. We're discussing pacing, accountability, blind review, replicating a realistic testing environment, and everything in between! Designing an effective study routine that suits your unique needs can be intimidating, don't sweat it if you have to make adjustments along the way. What matters is that you simply make space to put in the time. Don't give up friends, I believe in you!

Love, Babs

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Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored. All of the opinions I mention in this video are my own. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Affiliates get a small commission from the purchases you make, and it doesn’t cost you a dime extra! Click the links below to purchase them and help support the channel. Thank you for your support!

Planner Setup:
Passion Planner (10% DISCOUNT): RWRD.IO/TEXOUPS?C

Simulate Testing Conditions at Home:

Useful Blind Review Articles:

Forums for Blind Review:

REAL LSAT Practice Tests (PTs):

Note: I don't find PT's before the 60s particularly useful for authentic diagnostics because they are a little outdated. HOWEVER, I have found them useful for casual drilling and as section substitutes for the "fake" 5th section on the LSAT when simulating testing conditions at home.

BONUS Reads to Get You Started on Your LSAT Journey:

Desk Setup:

Filming equipment (updated!):

Рекомендации по теме

You are the first youtuber I have found that was working a full time job while studying! It's so reassuring to know that someone else was able to accomplish it 😊 I would love to see a more in depth video on your bullet journal LSAT related spreads. Thank you so much for this content, so happy I found your channel 😁


Omg I just decided I want to take the LSAT, and I'm also working full-time as a high school science teacher! So glad I found your channel.


🙆🏻‍♀️Glad to know that I'm not the only person who studied for the LSAT for an entire year. Thanks for being so honest!! 👏🏼👏🏼 Love the video~


I’m going to start studying for the LSAT in a couple months and your video came just in time! Tysm for sharing your test prep tips and they are really helpful! Hopefully I can break into the 170s as well :)


Thank you for being so upfront and transparent!!! Super Motivating


Your caliber of discipline is truly inspiring! Looking forward to seeing where your career takes you. You should make a video on your long term dreams and aspirations as I think you're one of those people who will actually reach their goals.


I'm so glad I found you! I have been stressing about how to start studying, it feels so overwhelming.


OMG loved this video and your planner is so aesthetically pleasing 😍


Your diagnostic is my dream score! 😭😭😭


I LOVE THIS! I’m currently trying to embark on this journey because it’s never too late to start BUT I have a noisy roommate, NOISY! But after watching your video I see that it actually works to my benefit. Thank you for this, guess I have to get past the annoyance in order to not get phased on test day. Thank you!!! What a gem!


Correction: You only need to take 4 section LSAT now because they have removed one section. So practice with 4 so that on test day you have the stamina for all 4 sections.


I’m watching this after getting my first score back (bad) and feeling really demotivated and kind of defeated/hopeless but this helps me so much to remotivate me and give me hope so thank you!!


Im also a student at Texas A&M with the hopes of getting into a T14, you’re videos have helped me decide that I can do it!


You are a machine! I'm a special education teacher in Baltimore City and working on my Master's and can only do so much. Thanks for the inspiration!


I took notes on your notes 😂 I’m a rising junior in undergrad and trying to prepare early. Thank you so much queen 🙌


This is such informative LSAT vlog. I am definitely going take your advice on this study routine. I am working mom of three. Being an attorney has been my dream and I want to accomplish that dream. It is very hard to stay on task with the study due to family obligations. I am going to push myself because this is what I want. I also use khan Academy as well. It is very good and lsat demon. Thanks you. Good luck on your law school journey.


Absolutely loved this video. Thank you. And congratulations on scoring a 175!


Thank you for explaining everything so in depth, yet so concisely! It's refreshing to watch a video with so much useful information that is realistic and actually helpful!! One of the best LSAT videos I've watched!


Thanks for giving back to the community by sharing your knowledge!


It is refreshing to see, listen and benefit from your presentation. Your tips on organizing and practicing are worth more than gold Thank you.
