Why do people like Ocarina of Time? #zelda #zeldanintendo #nintendogame #nintendo

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Let’s Oh yeah ocarinas dungeons are just straight up goated, but majoras has incredible dungeons as well. Wind waker felt like such a step down in terms of dungeons after playing those two.


I think it's that it's the distilled essence of 3D Zelda.

Dungeons, characters, iconography, and little bits of lore in a fun story that has a good balance of adventure, whimsy, and drama.
It doesn't do anything particularly wrong and contains the core heart of the series. Every other game, in some way, seeks to build on, play with, subvert, or pay homage to Ocarina of Time.


I also think it is because it was such a big advance in the Zelda series for graphics and physics


It's hard to understand in 2024 what ocarina did in 1998


Another reason is that people my age (50) love OoT so much because it was the first time we ever visited Hyrule in 3D. I’ve been a fan since the first game and will never forget that powerful atmosphere as the title screen started playing. Magical!
And you’re also right about the other reasons as well.


For me:
- Straightforward, but immersive story.
- Interesting and simple characters.
- Sense of progression with helpful items and gear the world opens up more as you obtain them.
- How Link is an expy for me/you, the player.
- Immersive dungeons with unique mechanics. Not too much, but not too little. The perfect amount for a adventure.
- Malon's a cutie.


I believe it’s because of the excellent story. It’s an amazing story about growing up, as a child the adventures are bright and whimsical. But as an adult things are more bleak and complex. The characters also treat you differently. As a child they call you kid and as an adult they call you things like “a real man”. It’s an incredibly effective way of telling the story and portraying the change of growing up.


ocarina of time was my first zelda game, my mom showed me how to play. it was my introduction to the whole zelda franchise. I love the story, can't help but cry every time I think about it, game play, music etc. it reminds me of my mom. i love my mom.


One thing people need to remember is OoT was the first 3D Zelda title ever! Nintendo managed to not only make a great game but also managed to make a transition from 2D to 3D on their first try! Also, Majora's Mask, The Wind Waker, & Twilight Princess likely wouldn't even exist without the success of OoT! The Wind Waker, especially as Nintendo, may not have been as willing to take risks it did, but thankfully, they had a a great foundation to build upon (while it may be a graphical departure from OoT/MM, it retains many of the gameplay mechanics that OoT established, from how Link moved to targeting, while also introducing new mechanics like droppable enemy weapons which Link could pick up and wield! The Wind Waker also retained many items from OoT, the Hookshot, Boomerang, & Iron Boots with the Iron Boots being changed to how they were equipped and primarily used to weight Link down rather than standing underwater! Heck, their method of equipping in The Wind Waker would be carried on in Twilight Princess and the 3DS remake of OoT! Of course, MM owes much of its existence to OoT, with its creepy atmosphere being the result of its production, which was green lit due to the success of OoT! Of course, MM reuses many assets from OoT and, at one point, was even going to feature an Adult Link Mask, which was later scrapped and replaced by the Fierce Deity Mask! Mind you, MM was able to build upon the creepy atmosphere of OoT! Twilight Princess itself is something of a love letter to adult portion of OoT, albeit to the point it's almost borderline edgelord as it seems to try to emulate the darker parts of OoT & MM!


OOT for many such as myself was their first adventure gaming experience, and what an unforgettable experience it was. Time is also very kind to OOT. It became a gaming standard for many of us that couldn't just be trumped, even by other Zelda games


Ocarina doesn't "make the dungeon the puzzle" except in regards to the gimmick for each dungeon (the elevator in the Forest temple, stalactites in the Fire temple, the cobweb in the Deku tree, etc.)

The game that "makes the dungeon the puzzle" is BOTW because of their modular nature (tilting the bird, rotating the camel, etc.)


Oot made the formula. But twilight princess is my favorite


Nostalgia, remember playing with my dad when i was little. There's no other game that could EVER replicate that like OOT did. OMG, fishing mini game is an absolute treat, I can't believe they didn't add a fishing rod in both botw and totk


I think the Only GOOD Dungeon in TotK is the Fire Temple those carts made for very good Navigation Puzzles. Also Twilight Princess Probably has the Best Dungeons in my Opinion.


The music is the most obvious factor you're missing here! It's literally the best soundtrack of any game ever made! Seriously, anyone who has played ocarina of time will be able to remember every melody in the game because they're all so memorable and awesome! Even with such simple sound as the N64, it lives on in memory forever.

I also think the structure is indeed perfect, the game is just the right length, the way everything is laid out is a perfect balance of open exploration and linear story, and the style of the world is beautiful despite its simplicity, it holds up!


Seriously can the Open World Zelda Games Give us some Limitations again it gave the Players something to work for. People still love Link to the Past, for a Reason. Also Zelda 1 is already the Perfect Blueprint for Open World Design. Make the Players work their Butts off to find the next Level So we become more engaged in the Overworld. And Make us Find Everything Ourselves.


I agree on the structure of it being an important part, but I think it could be even more than that. The structure was INTRODUCED here, taking 2D Zelda and amazingly replicating it in 3D. It was the blueprint, other Zelda games follow the formula it introduced with their dungeons, items, characters, mechanics, combat, etc. Just like Mario 64 revolutionized Mario in a 3D space, OOT did the same for Zelda. And just like Super Mario 64 is still a lot of people’s favorite Mario game, OOT is still a lot of people’s favorite Zelda game


Twillight princess has a cat toy item that you just happen to be able to fish with, too.


That last point is super important. Never ever forget what was taken from us.


People forget the older Zelda games did that first. Making the dungeon the puzzle and you also had to use compass and map to progress as well
