Last Minute (Short film)

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This is a first year university film so obviously I'm a hugeass amateur, and there was set criteria that I had to meet for the content (no dialogue, focus on sound and light, conveying a theme/atmosphere as opposed to a narrative.)
There are little annoying errors like some sound not matching up/the sound levels in general being too low and you can see a lighting stand but shhh I'm pretty proud. My friend Sos is the wonderful star of this, please pat her on the head accordingly.

Idk what else to say.
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Okay so, this video was done for a college project to fit specific criteria. The class was focused on sound and lighting, and the project criteria was NOT to create a video that conveyed a typical three act narrative storyline, but instead to create a video that encapsulated a theme and atmosphere from a list of options. (We specifically were not allowed to use dialogue.)
The theme/atmosphere I chose was time, so this video does have a vague story, but it was more meant to show the passing of time in different ways like the clocks and ticking throughout the whole video (via both visuals and sound), the traditional passing of time as we experience it through the first shots (0:14 to 0:54), a compressed passing of time through the quick montage (0:54 to 1:07) and the slower montage (1:07 to 1:41), and then skipping parts of time with a time cut at 1:42.
The pills on the table are Vitamin C tablets, a brand/kind that are very common in Australia and often taken to prevent the common cold and the toll that stress has on the immune system (with stress and common colds being something that students deal with a lot here during exam season.)
The lights being bright at 6am vs less bright at 9am was meant to represent that the sun had only just risen at 6am, with it still being low enough to shine through the windows, and then it was higher in the sky at 9am and no longer glaring through the windows. I think the shot of the grandfather clock conveys this, but the final shot should have been changed because it doesn't convey this quite as well, the light is less bright but the lighting stand should have been made significantly higher/taller because it doesn't show the change of the sun's position in the sky as well.

I hope this explanation helps and makes sense! I wrote most of this in answer to a few specific questions one person had, but from all the frequent questions I thought this may help some of you other viewers as well. Like I've said, this was made years ago so my memory is foggy, and there are a few little details I would change if I made it now, but hopefully this answers your questions for the most part.


It's such a good attempt and without a dialogue you've narrated well enough. I can totally relate to the video when I see it. This is me everyday.


This is very simple yet has a decent amount of substance to it. Based on what is shown we can tell that the character themself really wants to get their school work done but what constantly stops themselves is how exhausted they are with the work. Also by the factor that there is passage of time we can also tell that this is a constant issue they deal with daily. It was all shown without using dialogue and that was really good. The cinematography was great, and the editing with the sound mixing and general cuts was very professionally done. Got to say that this is a 9.3/10.


If you're watching this on November 2022 or on 2023 ...then You're a Legend !
Nếu bạn đang xem nội dung này vào tháng 11 năm 2022 hoặc vào năm 2023 ...thì Bạn là Huyền thoại!


This is great! I don't understand why it has so many dislikes. I clearly understood the meaning of the film, and its relation to your theme. the lighting, camera angles and overall production was well done Great job!


Wow, loved this! I agree with Gerard, loved some of the close-up shots!


I like the way the coffee is made .... just loved it



@Kiaranah I watched it again and again. Time is just not in the clock, the sun/light shows its duration, the coffee, paragraphs on the paper and many other things. I also liked the green highlighter you used, it's moving straight in a line. Showing that this moment has passed now and you can remove the line or in other sense. The time has passed! Amazing work K.


I would have fallen asleep straight away, I say this having been awake for 23 hours


Iiterally laughed out loud when it showed that you had fallen asleep again xD


I guess according to these comments. To be a filmmaker, you gotta give the audience a point and a message.


This so upset me when she missed her 9 AM exam. I became her for a second.


Very nice. Thank you for sharing. You've caught the essence - particularly the text that turned Chinese!


I am no film student, merely a film lover. I have become addicted to watching all sorts of short movies on YouTube. This was really one of the "cuter" ones! I am not being sarcastic - I really chuckled and thought she was so cute when she fell asleep. :)


Right video in examination time
but friend, help me for examination time.


It’s shot really well, the frame composition is great, and the lighting was smart... But the story doesn’t have much tension in it or at least not as much urgency as it could have had, also louder foley would have been nice but nonetheless awesome short film


Gonna use this for an English class I have. Thank you!


Reminds me of that SpongeBob episode when he had to write a essay & kept procrastinating


Nice atmosphere. I like some of the close-up shots. Hopefully you get a good grade for this! :)


OOOHHH, So she went to sleep again!!!
I thought she killed her self!! lol sorry!!:/
