Out of Hiding (Official Lyric Video) - Steffany Gretzinger & Amanda Cook | The Undoing

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"Come out of hiding you're safe here with Me, there's no need to cover what I already see..." Lyrics for Out of Hiding (Father's Song) written by Steffany Gretzinger & Amanda Cook. #TheUndoing

Bethel Music's collective of worship leaders aim to write and record songs that carry the culture of heaven and the heart of God. We exist to pursue the heart of God. Together, we express who God is and who we are in Him. We capture fresh expressions of worship in every season that resonates with worshipers around the world. Our dream, is that all the earth would worship God.

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This song saved me from suicide as I dropped to the floor weeping for forgiveness...
Such beauty in Christ is undeniable...


A friend of mine invited me to an alpha course at his church, I wasn’t a Christian then, I was a Satanist. pastor played this song at the end, and we all just sat there and soaked in God’s presence, and that’s when I opened my eyes. And realized I was led by a dark fake freedom that the satanic religion taught me. I am now saved by the blood of Christ


"You're almost home now, please don't quit now" wow.


This was the song that stopped me from pulling the trigger. Had the gun to my head and this song came on. I dont know how but it started playing and I put it down and gave my heart to him that night.


I'm sure the Holy Spirit was beside her helping writing the song ❤


I wasn’t religious, at marine corps bootcamp I needed a push. Went to church one Sunday and they played this song. It changed my entire viewpoint on life and religion. This song got me through.


"You're on lockdown and I hold the key...." Did this hit anyone else that they've been stressing about Covid when their Heavenly Father holds the key to this chaos? We have no reason to fear


" I saw it all, still I chose the cross" 😭❤️


Anyone else fall to the floor crying in the bathroom when they heard this the first time?


it's like God's talking to me <3


I still wonder why God would ever want me in His Kingdom. He is too good for me.

Father, I surrender. I surrender my family, addictions, desires...everything. I want You to fill me with You. I want out of this worldly and fleshly desires. I want You to take over my life. I want You and You alone. Am tired of living a black and white life. I want to live Your life. I want You. I don't even know what I could ever do to have You dwell in my heart for the rest of my life. Father, I cry to You because there is no one who could take away my guilt, shame, desires and all unpleasant things but YOU. Daddy, I want You and nothing else. Blind me from the worldly desires and open my eyes to see what You want me to see. Help me focus more and more on your Kingdom's growth than on my selfish growth. Father am selfish, proud and filled with filth. I ask that You alone may come into my heart. May You dwell there. Cleanse me with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. I want to start over again and this time, WITH YOU. Please don't let go of my hand. Walk with me. Talk to me. Guide me. Help me to never part from Your ways. Help me grow more and more in Your Word. I re-dedicate my life one more time to You. I declare that You are the One who has control over my life.
In Jesus' Mighty Name I pray, Amen.


I have been battling with depression for 4 years now, was suicidal, cut. But recently God has broken my chains and set me free from all of that. He speaks to me a lot and writes me letters. He uses my best friend to do so. He told me to look up this song and listen to it. I have never heard of it before, but I obeyed and it is literally everything he has been telling me in the form of a song. I cried so much listening to this and this song has broken me and has really made me feel like God is not just saying he loves us, but that he actually does. I just want to say, to anybody who has a similar story to mine, anybody who is dealing with depression, or anything similar, please don't give up. There is always hope. There is so much God wants to do, to move in your life. Please don't give up. Don't let Satan have that victory. Keep your eyes focused on God, He will move for you. Even if it doesn't seem like He is at that moment, He will if you just be patient and trust Him.


“There’s no need to cover what I already see”!
God is amazing in that He sees me all of me and yet He loves me. 🙏🏾


I AM from Brazil, I was sad and distant of Jesus. This song was very important to help me.


"You've got your reasons but I hold your peace. You've been on lockdown but I hold the key, because I loved you before you knew it was love."


I just wrote this in my diary and then this song came on:
“I feel like I have a darkness inside of me that I hide from myself, others and God. My fear is if I reveal it I won’t be loved.”
God is so good, thank you for this song


I heard this for the first time while running this morning. Emotion welled up. I was moved to tears of joy and had to stop for a minute. Jesus is amazing!


I've listened to this song for 2 weeks straight. Everytime, I listen I understand more. There is something that is different in this song compared to any I've ever heard. Truley beautiful.


A line in this song I interpret thus: "As you run to your Daddy, what once hindered love will instead become a part of its story." No matter how badly I have failed, or how much I have rebelled against God, Those things that once hindered my love relationship with Him are changed from evil that scarred my heart to a testimony of His matchless glory. The story of His love for me.


My best friend just recommended this song to me saying that "this is what the heart of Jesus is saying to you right now"

I'm really struggling with my dad's death. He died when I was five (I'm 14 now) but I recently found out that he committed suicide. It really hit me hard tonight when I went to put the grave blanket on his grave. I was in a dark place and the devil had a hold of my thoughts (I was shivering and crying and I couldn't climb out of it)

Buy I called on the Name of Jesus and all of that stopped.

And thankfully, I had my God given best friends (our friendship is a huge God thing, He led us all to eachother when we needed good Christian friends most) to pray for me and bless me with God's words and His compassion

Jesus was thinking of you when he rose from the dead. He was thinking of the beautiful, faithful, wonderful person He was saving so He could be with you forever in Heaven

Hold on Precious Jewel, he loves you so much. You are his crowning glory. You are worth it.
