The BEST Palworld Base Spots For Progression!

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Looking for the best base spots for progression in Palworld? Look no further! In this video, we'll show you the top locations to set up your base for maximum progress in the game.

Time Stamps
0:00 - Intro
0:32 - Base 1
1:47 - Base 2
2:50 - Base 3
3:36 - Base 4
5:09 - Base 5

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No annoying intro. No obtuse music at deafening volume. No annoying radio voice. Straight into the content. Logical material with good explanations that don't repeat or stumble. That's a sub folks. Rare CC this one. Nice to see talent still exists. 🙏👍✌️


I know this comes months late, but a great tip for base videos is taking a few seconds to provide the Coordinates to the base and resource locations you use.

The tower base is a nice mix of visuals, space, and nearby resources.


IMO best progression is to just yolo the Chillet bridge spot for first base as it covers all of your Ore needs till Midgame. Tombat can mine the ore, spawn in the area, and are great breeders.
At 17 you can build your Cooking Pot and upgrade to Palbox level 10 which unlocks a second base. This should be in any flat area as the priority is Cake and Breeding to take you through midgame. Pal AI for transporting jobs sucks if the pals aren't rendered so I like to tuck mine on the beach north of Alpha Penking, but there are plenty of options including the flat spots north and south of the boss tower, they just need to be nearby to Chillet hill.
At 34 you can build an improved furnace and start needing Coal, which is also when you hit Palbox upgrade 15 and your third base. The best spot it to just go to the mining spot just east of Alpha Vaelet as it has plenty of iron and coal. Once your built up on the Vaelet hill you can abandon the Chillet base in favor of a flexible 3rd base. I like the spot you showcase last as quartz becomes an issue as you start to approach endgame, and there is plenty up in the cold areas.

Endgame location really doesn't matter as you can make your own Sulfur, Coal and Ore. At that point I just moved all of my bases to SJ Island to have oil pumping on every base as its the resource that rate-limits production. Lullu massively cut down on plantation needs so most of what you will be doing is mining and breeding for the rest of the game. Just prioritize mass producing Legendary Spheres and then selling them to vendors with 5x Noble/Fine-Fur pals in the party and you will be swimming in gold.


Watching this late. But a lot of folks recommend building a base at the area with the 3 oil nodes, kinda west from your volcano area base. With the new sulfur and quartz mine, crude oil becomes the new material gate.


For me Base 2 is south of Anubis' desert. There's a plateau with a syndicate camp. Take out the camp and you can drop the pal box where the cage sits once the camp clears. It used to be unassailable but they've worked on the map in that section and there's a set of rocks raids can hop up, or fly up if it's a flying raid. Another upside is just south of there is a meteor/supply crate drop. Base 5 is my current main base, but I'm planning on moving out to the last island so I can set up a base with oil rigs. For my base 5 my pals were having trouble on top of the plain tower so I build a foundation up and used roof pieces with pillars to get everything flat. Yes, I built over the chests but I'm not worried about it. For my next base location I'm following Epictreasure's all-in-one base guide.


Thanks a lot man! Love these locations.


The last one is where I made my main base too. I used the outer ring for the main things like farming and mine plots and the inner ring I used to set up the assembly lines 10/10 would build there again.


Really excited to see some different base designs to put into some base locations I’m not creative at all so I live in a box lmao


There's a nice volcano spot in the volcano region around -464 -411 that has 2 oil spots with like 5 sulfer nodes that I'm trying to build in lol


I have my main base on that tower in the intro. It's dedicated to crafting, cooking, smelting, etc, and breeding. Pro tip:

When nothings crafting, i remove the workers, and i fill up the palbox with pals i want to breed and set them to work super hard they breed faster and dont lose food or san quicker

My other 3 bases are all on the brown spots on the new island. All 3 are collecting crude oil, and then they produde seperertly,
2.Ranch drops
3.Coal, Sulfer, Stone, Ore, Wood

Anything else i need i buy from vendors at my base by selling nails for money.

I spend all my time breeding pals and running dungeons for extra loot and xp the 3 farm bases and vendors get everything else.


I always setup a duo base in the island close to Sakurajima the one where Rampaging Direwolf spawns.There is also an ore spot not good for a base but lots of nodes so I just leave a palbox there it's south of Cinnamoth forest.
The one many use as a starter base by Chillet is too tight and the one a bit west over a bridge the pals tend to not see one fo the nodes which is super annoying and I can't believe the devs haven't fixed that in all this time.
I use that Quartz farm on the small hill and for Sulfur yeah that same one you showed by it's not really THAT good I supplement it just by getting sulfur whenever I see it randomly.I personally don't like CO ORDS because I tend to waste more time zeroing in on them so I never use them I can see just fine from a mount and I know most all areas at this point visually just by looking at them.


On the very west coast of the vulcanic region theres a spot with THREE oil spots. If u put 2 extractors on each u get so much oil from it!!
My only pals in there are 6 orserk to power the generators, and an anubis to collect the oil and put it in the chest


The GOAT! once i unlock plasteel what should i focus on first?


Some pretty decent spots but when getting to later in the game when you have the different quarry’s can we see some really nice open spots in the next video? Like end game spots just great for building or aesthetics that we could slap some quarry’s in and be a great all around base would be really nice I like the tower one that your main is at I used it for a little while


nothing beats the verdant brook mountain location for me. has all resources you need available even at early game and you get no raids at all as well as having a supply drop location nearby


About your main base I was able to build in all area using pilars and fundation


I've noticed, no one ever talks about the Oil bases. I've been scouting around and seems rather hard to find decent ones other than nice flat spots they obviously setup to be base locations in the Sakura island. I did find a node of 3x oil spots near Jet Dragon though, so that could be good location. Sadly it's kind of cramped, but guess won't need much if just for the oil.


I need some advice for flat ground with Most Potential for production... Great Video tho❤


The last location would have been my all time favorite if it wasn't for the fact you cannot build foundation in the middle. No foundation/pillars = no second floor. Otherwise great spot.


What is truly lacking in guides are Towers/locations simple strats no cheating and breeding things like breeding multi star pals does that carry over when breeding stuff like that.
