Reviving a 7 Year Old Pre-Built (HP Envy Phoenix 800)

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Please my followers, do not buy a pre-built. Every time you do, my heart breaks a little more...

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This man went from a 640 to a GTX 1080 TI, In 0.5 seconds! That's going from a cheap Walmart bicycle to a Ferrari in 0.5 seconds! XD Grate video I look forward to the next one!


Perfect timing, I just finished binging your back catalogue over the last few days. As someone who dabbles in flipping in the UK it's interesting to see how it works as a full-time investment!


half tempted to get one of these cases—what a sick design.


I enjoyed this video cause in 2012 i bought an HP Phoenix 1150 for about 1000$. Came with an i5-3550 and a GTX 550 Ti, 10GB 1333 DDR3 and a 2 TB HDD, which is a better match than what you have here. Im still gaming on the system today its an i7-3770k now with a GTX 1060, 32GB 1666 DDR3, 2TB SATA SSD.


I stumbled upon this looking for the installation. Turns out it was as simple as unscrewing the L bracket on the back. I found an envy phoenix at an estate sale, didn't pay anything for it- score! I upgraded the ram from 8gb to 16gb, upgraded to windows 10 from 7, just installed a gtx 1060 (3gb), and I'm awaiting a sata to USB connector so I can go from an hdd to an ssd. I also have a new wireless adapter coming in, so I can connect to my router's 5G signal. A few upgrades, and you've got a decent system.


I still have my HP envy phoenix 810-440 and the computer is still powerful and great design.


hello from france and big up for all, i have an hp 810-050ef and i do music production i'm right now 16gb ram and i dont know if i can go to 64gb oo? i know i got 2 slot with 2x8gb and 2 slot empty but i dont know so much on ram? I need to make my computeur more effective for the sample reading or my musical software so i dont know if i need to change only the ram or ram+video graphic card can you help me out please?


About the time you uploaded this video I had bought one of these systems with the Stock Cooler/I7 4770k, and a GTX 760 192 Bit 1.5GB CPU, 12Gb Ram, 128GB SATA SSD and 2TB HDD for $100 CAD so wasn't a bad deal.


I was looking at the 1080 ti as well for this pc I bought off a friend . I know this videos kinda old but did you upgrade the power supply? I saw people say thats required so thats why I was hesitant and just going to buy a rt 5700 xt pc for $600


The 4770k sells for $100 by itself! Amazing Deal. Something like a gtx 1060 or RX 580 would be a perfect fit for something like that


Nice finds. One question, how do you analyze prices of components? I don't understand how flippers look at a listing and know it's a good deal.


GT 640 looks like an absolute Slideshow Simulator. It should be pretty good for a Valorant build though! What's the lowest powered CPU/GPU combo you'd be happy to sell as a "Gaming PC" in 2020?


Hi, i realy want buy Just the case, it's possible? I'm live in Portugal.


I realize this is an old video however I wanted to give it a shot desperation LOL. I have the computer and it was burning it up it was a great computer. Then all the sudden it would go up by itself and now it will not come on at all. So now it's just sitting here like a brick.
And it's costing me money because I'm not able to keep up with my customers that I have. Everything I need to produce my product is based on having a computer
So would you think that the power supply or motherboard in an issue?
Thanks for the video and help you learn a few things. I would really appreciate your help if you just so happen to you have a chance. Thanks so much and God bless you and have a great day


Do you recommend doing this with a 1080ti? Found a hp pheonix, looking for an inexpensive replacement


I got the same pc for 100 with the 1080 TI inside !


Hey boss I got the same desktop, Just bought some DDR3 ram GSKILL 16GB, Would I be able to swap for a newer cpu? what amd gpu do you recommend


I have the 700 230
Can someone give me a parts list of what is compatible with most current tech and highest possible specs please
Thanks in advance


I am 13 years old. how can i persuade my parents to let me flip pcs?
