How to Revive a completely Dead Car Battery that won't charge

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This is a little hack that will help you on How to Revive a completely Dead Car Battery that won't charge or take a jump. If you have a completely dead battery that can not be charged here is a trick on how tow to get the charger to actually start charging the battery.

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Рекомендации по теме

I was about to throw away a brand
New car battery it refused to charge
Over 3 days it was only 9 months old
I done exactly as you have shown
And now it's charging perfect and it was x2 batteries £180 Saved
Thanks mate good well explained


Mate you are a legend. I was about to dump a 12v 100mah leisure battery when I saw this, tried it, and the battery is now working again. Massive thanks for sharing, you've saved me over £100.


The reason a battery goes completely dead and won't charge is because when a battery is drained sulfate builds up on the plates inside the battery. Be careful doing this. A battery charger that has a "reconditioning" setting will pulse current into a battery and remove the sulfate. This is a safer method albeit still dangerous.


Just be careful connecting batteries on modern cares like this. Tends to fry circuits. They not simple like they once were.


Note that the batteries are hooked together in parallel and not in series.


Just take the caps off, hit the 12v battery with 200amps for 15min, then wait 1hr, repeat 5 times, use distilled water to fill under the cap may need to repeat more then 5 times but this will clean the plates and allow the battery to hold a charge. Then trickle charge or low amps to full. Your welcome. Btw ensure this is done in a well ventilated area. Unplug the charger from wall first, then unplug from battery. During the process most chargers at 200+ amps will run for 10seconds and recycle after 120seconds. During those 15min, u will see the cells bubble, no bubble or slow bubble means u need to repeat again. Constant bubbles or boil means the cell is revived. All cells must bubble/boil equally. Bubbling = electrolysis, which is the production of hydrogen gas ie. Flamable keep ventilated.


Thanks so much!! Worked like a CHARM!!


Best to use a battery jumper, hit the dead battery with the jumper, disconnect and slap your charger on. This is best for component isolation and works just fine.


Thank you sir from Australia. Just the info I needed.


So you’re saying that for a battery that’s too dead for a charger, simply CONNECT A GOOD BATTERY IN PARALLEL WITH THE BAD BATTERY, to “trick” the charger?


Another way is to first use an old analog charger ( like a Schauer), for a short while before using the digital charger


Why can't we get a charger that will just supply voltage??? Why do we need voltage to start with?


Where did you get the Black and Decker and for how much. Is it a Harbor Freight charger?


Does the vehicle with the good battery need to be running?


Just spend the money (less than $20) on a universal power supply that has a 13.5v setting. You can use that alone to charge the battery or at least to charge it enough that the battery will be recognized by a modern "smart" charger.

You're welcome.


The newer chargers all have a sensor and a safety mode where if a battery is below a certain voltage and amps it won't charge it to prevent them from blowing up is why you gotta do it this way. And even in electric golf carts if your batteries are dead and regular golf cart charger won't charge them hook up a car battery charger to each battery separately and charge them up separately for a few to get voltage back in them the golf cart charger will work


This is called parallel charging. It's because batteries have internal resistance, one of the causes of them dying. Sometimes just one cell is really bad like one of the plates is all gone... but parallel charging lets the charger pump juice into it, and since when you parallel any 2 batteries they will equalize over time. The charger senses the resistance, and won't push any current if it is high... or something like that. Im not an expert but this is part of the reason why lead acid batteries have such a high capacity but horrible discharge curve. If it could be solved they would be one of the must energy dense batteries theoretically


Also, just hooking up the good battery to the bad battery only for a few minutes may get the dead battery voltage above the threshold that the charger requires to begin charging.


I would open the battery cells to vent the electrolyte gases inside the battery. I've seen batteries explode


It only needs like a min or two. Ive done this for a while works great but the battery will probably need replaced soon.
