Matthew 7:21-23 Not everyone who says Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven

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At the end of the sermon on the mount Jesus gives warning mixing Him with anything else. In this one the people new His name, they even did works (preach, cast out demons and other mighty works) "IN JESUS NAME" yet they were told some very sad and sobering words "Depart from Me".

Questions you might want to consider based on this teaching are:

1.) What is the will or work of the Father
2.) Do I believe that I can do anything in order to obtain eternal life?
3.) What is eternal life?
4.) How does this teaching reflect the character of God and the truth of the complete gospel?

For any questions or comments feel free to email me or respond on this post. As always ratings, comments, suggestions, questions and subscriptions are highly appreciated.

Thanks for watching - Pastor Dave
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Watching April 25, 2023. Perfect teaching and message….!!!


Thank you! I can feel the Holy Spirit working with me to bring me closer to God and Jesus. Thank you again


Fully on point! Exactly within context, while harmonizing the scriptures into a clear understanding of how one is saved ! Amen, thank you 👌👌👍


I thank God for you. Thank you so much. I was living in the works system and so confused and frustrated. I am repenting to God to think that I have to work to please Him, and I am just going to trust in Him alone. He is everything to me, and I can't imagine life without Jesus, ever. Thank you for sharing this video. I really needed to hear this, and through you, God has brought me back to Himself. I do not want to be one of the many whom Jesus turns away. It is about relationship and not works.


I’m so grateful for vids like this. I listen to guys like John MacArthur and John Piper telling me that after I’m saved that I need to show through my works the fruit of being saved or else it means I never really was. It’s horrible to be threatened that way


This answered so many of my questions. It seems clear to me that Jesus is saying salvation is not about works + faith, even GREAT works, yet so many Christians demand it and even cite this very verse as proof. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this is the true meaning of this passage. Thank you so much!



The Gospel John 3:16 says: For GOD so Loved the World that He Gave His only Son (Jesus),
to be (OFFERED) as a substitute sacrifice to Die for our sins, so that whoever Believes in and
(ACCEPTS) Him (as Savior) shall not perish, but have eternal life. (Be Saved)

The Gospel is a simple Legal Offer and Acceptance Contract, but the Greatest Contract ever made!

JOHN 3:16 Is The Perfect and Complete GOSPEL was Spoken Directly by Jesus to Nicodemus which by
BELIEVING we are Born Again and SAVED!  Jesus revealed His GOSPEL to His Apostle John and
commanded that we Witness THE GOOD NEWS to all the World to be Saved.

If John 3:16 was good enough for Jesus...It's good enough for me. :)


The will of the father is mentioned several times in the Bible and it's not just about believing but also obeying. .


Jesus is talking about people who claim to be Christians, but believe in their works for salvation.

Notice that not one person said, Lord, Lord, did we not believe in your sacrifice for our sins?

Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord, ’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but ONLY the one who does the WILL of my Father who is in heaven."

This verse clearly states that "only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven, " will go to heaven.

So the next question is, what is the will of The Father?

Jesus says in John 6:40, "For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.”

In other words, only the ones who believe in Jesus(Gospel) will have eternal life.

Jesus didn't reject them because they were sinful, he rejected them because they didn't believe in the Gospel, but instead, relied on their own works for their salvation, causing him to say, "I never knew you."

God Bless.


Thank you for making me understand this verse I have lived in fear of it for a while I have an issue though something is really wrong with me I DO believe the Jesus died for our sins including mine and that he was raised from the dead but I'm not sure of the holy spirit is in me because I struggle with sin every day and usually sin every day I always say I'm sorry to God and feel bad for offending him but I'm struggling to turn from sin even though I have in my heart and mind which is what repentance is I just don't know what is going on with me


Salvation is the prized gift of the Spirit of eternal life , simple to attain, assured and unending with no strings attached,   full and complete for all time,   given through a person's trusting relationship with Jesus via the Gospel message,   which is offered freely to all men by His Grace and it is not earned or given through an evaluation process or a series of works for which you are to be compensated, rewarded or punished..
Whew! That was a


Thank you Dave through you God has strengthened my Faith in his son Jesus. This video was perfect, glory be to God.


Excellent  explanation of Matthew 7:21-23. So many people want to turn these verses into a works salvation.Great job.God bless!


the truth really hurts. But we must do His will. Obey the Lord


People who called Jesus "Lord ..Lord.." could actually be those people who thought that their souls were saved already from punishment by faith alone but then realized that they could not enter the kingdom of heaven for they have not done works like helping those considered by Jesus as least of His brothers and sisters, so they started complaining. If you believed in Jesus, you have to obey what Jesus wanted you do which is loving God and thy neighbor; turning away from our sinful ways; staying with the vine and bear fruit so that we will not be cut off from Jesus; enduring to the end; abiding in Jesus teachings; denying ungodliness and worldly pleasures; taking heed not to be deceived or fall away; striving to enter a narrow path, and helping those considered by Jesus as the least of His brothers and sisters.


In 2 Peter 2:20-21, St Peter writes, "For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overpowered, the last state has become worse for them than the first.  For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them."  Wow!  St. Peter is saying that it would be better to have not believed at all than to believe and then turn away!

Salvation is a gift — let us never take it for granted.


Hey Dave... Really good stuff! If I had a nickel for for every person here on youtube who's told me that Matt 7:21-23 meant that the workers of lawlessness didn't work right, instead of correctly dividing it as you have, I'd be rich.

They just don't get it. You are correct. They have one foot in the boat of faith and the other in the boat of works and one day they will fall.


Amen brother trust in jesus and him alone for the free gift of salvation. Ive just subscribed to ur channel god bless you and your family


Salvation is simple.

Here is a simple prayer which calls upon the name of the Lord to save you from all of your sins for all time.

I call upon the name of Jesus to save me from my sins. I believe that you are the Son of God, our Lord God who came to Earth to serve as the all sufficient one time sacrifice for all the world's sin. I believe your Gospel, that you died for ALL of our sins on the cross, you were buried and that you were resurrected back to life on the third day according to the promise of the scriptures. I believe that eternal Life HAS BEEN given to me by your promise through my belief and trust in this Gospel and by receiving the Holy Spirit I HAVE therefore been born again into the body of Christ as a  new creation and I too will be resurrected to life as Jesus was.

Thank you Lord Jesus!


Great job Pastor, biblical sound teaching.
