Reaper Tutorial for Beginners | FREE COURSE

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0:00 1.1 Reaper Tutorial for Beginners
3:33 2.1 Install and Set Up Reaper for the First Time
14:21 2.2 Tour of the Reaper Workspace
30:06 2.3 Tracks in Reaper
44:52 2.4 Tempo, Grid, and Snap Settings
58:38 2.5 Recording Live Audio
1:19:44 2.6 Recording MIDI and Virtual Instruments
1:28:43 2.7 Editing MIDI
1:42:27 2.8 Editing Audio
2:01:53 2.9 Editing With Stretching
2:16:02 3.1 Using Effects in Reaper
2:30:00 3.2 Routing in Reaper
2:39:34 3.3 Automation and Envelopes
2:53:49 3.4 Folders and Groups
3:03:03 3.5 Markers and Regions
3:10:09 3.6 Actions and Customizations
3:20:21 3.7 Rendering
3:32:37 4.1 Conclusion & Plugin Recommendations

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Рекомендации по теме

This 51 year old musician is able to follow your tutorial without being overwhelmed. Thank you this is a BIG help


These coders really spent a lot of time on this platform. The detail of the interface is outstanding.


This isn't just good for newbies... It's a great refresher course for us guys that have been using for over a decade. Makes you appreciate the app you've been using all along and remind you of why you've switched!


I have been using Reaper for over 12 years. This is a nice course to pick up some ideas. The production values are very good and the organization is efficient and well done. Good job.


I record guitar songs and covers at home, and this is the most complete and helpful tutorial I found on youtube. Fantastic content. Thanks for you for sharing this knowledge!


Really appreciate that you create this course and share it for free!! I tried to learn how to use it myself, using the official manual and asking someone who is a sound engineer, for many months. Nothing really helped until I saw this video. Thanks a lot!!!


This is so helpful. You helped me so much today to transcribe a part that was too fast by introducing me to the playback rate adjustment keeping pitch the same 😅. Amazing resource for free. Thank you so much.


This is by far the best video for beginners. I downloaded Reaper two days ago and I already feel like I use it since forever. There is literally everything. Excelent work! Thank you very much indeed.


I trained editors for years on Avid, your approach is one of the best I have seen. Good content and pacing., up to 1.19 so far . . .


Compliments for the quality of this tutorials, as a pro recording engineer/musician working on Digital Performer on film and advertising, I am trying to make Reaper my choice for personal composing. This invaluable and vastly informative work Dave Bode has put up here making it available to the community for free is really commended. Thank you sir.


Hi - just wanted to say that this is the most helpful YouTube tutorial on any subject that I've ever found - exactly what I needed at this point! I'd just discovered Reaper and found that (unlike Pro-Tools) I could actually do something useful with it even without any instructions so I dispensed with the evaluation period and paid up front. But to really get started, I needed something very different from the Reaper user manual. Your lessons were as good as it gets and better than I'd expected to find. Thank you.


This is just amazing!!! Very professional and useful. Thank you so much for this course, and thank you so much, kind Sir, for making it free. 🤘


Fantastic Tutorial! Thanks for taking the time to speak clear and slow, yet efficient. Bravo sir!


You are really a good tutor Sir!!.
Slowly learning by following the steps and doing the same on the Reaper. I am a working professional.. so now I am getting only max 15 to 25 min / day.. But repeating the same until I understand the things clearly.
With a lots of respect and love. This is Bijo from India.


Interesting default shortcuts:
ctrl + shift + left/right: Move play cursor to next or previous grid division
?: Show Actions list


Man, you make 500 pages Reaper tutorial seems so simple and easy to learn. I've been using Reaper 12 years ago, just scratch the surface made some songs and never touch it again. Now, I have more spare time, open the DAW again, your tutorial gave me more knowledge than before. Thank you so much.


thanks so much for the invaluable information. I'm rewatching this again and again for many times.


Best Comprehensive tutorial. Thank You. So long I was using FL Studio but for recording and editing Reaper looks to be the best software available.


One of the best tutorials on Reaper. Thx.


I'm not interested in learning, Reaper now, i just want to tell you that your videos are the best i have watched (Premiere Pro, After Effects) Your detailing is first-rate.
