Visualize the Process and Tie it to Real-World Practice

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Visualization for Success -- seeing in your mind’s eye what you would like to happen in the real world -- is a tool that is used by many successful people.

It’s also used unsuccessfully by many people...

When it comes to visualization for your success, I believe these 2 factors make all the difference:

1. Successful visualization focuses on *the process*, rather than the outcome.

2. Visualization is fantasy unless tied closely to real-world practice.

Focusing On Process:

Most people use visualization to dream about their desired outcomes. Examples:

* Having written your best-selling book… holding it in your hands… seeing the abundance of positive Amazon reviews.

* Having filled your retreat/workshop… imagining yourself facilitating a large community of students/clients who are joyfully experiencing transformation.

* Having your client roster filled with ideal clients… seeing yourself work joyfully with high-paying clients throughout the day.

These are good pictures to have in your mind insofar as they accomplish one purpose: To help you see what might be needed to get to that stage.

I think it’s actually detrimental to use outcome-visualization the way it’s typically taught -- to create the self-belief that you deserve it, and to bolster your motivation in moving toward it.

The problem is that it easily creates fantasy, ungrounded from the reality of what it takes to achieve your dreams. What’s worse is that you end up developing a false self-belief that you “deserve” it… and when you don’t attain that vision as you have visuazlied it, it creates more self-doubt than when you started. And now, you also doubt the tool of visualization!

Where “deserve” and “motivation” are needed are in the process itself: You deserve to enjoy the journey toward the goal, and you can effectively motivate yourself by visualizing the joyful process.

Instead of seeing yourself with a best-selling book, visualize the circumstances *today* where you are writing your book in a joyful way:
* Where are you when you’re writing?
* What time are you writing?
* What did you do before you started writing?
* What tool are you using to write?
* What’s the expression on your face as you write?
* What joyful feelings are coming through you as you write?
* What else about your body and action can you visualize, for example are you taking deep breaths?

Instead of seeing yourself with a full roster of clients, how about seeing yourself sending emails to your prospective clients and referral sources, and doing it in a feeling of connection, happiness, and service?

If you focus on the process, you are far more likely to attain the outcome. This is what visualization can really help with: being conssitent with the process, and enjoying it all along the way.


Tying Visualization to Real World Practice:

Many people don’t connect their visualization to what they actually do day to day. They see it as a separate thing, maybe a morning or evening practice of “seeing” in the mind’s eye what they want.

Instead, I encourage you to visualize the process (as I’ve already written) and then observe yourself today doing the process, and asking yourself the question -- what don’t I *love* about this process, and how else can I use visualization to imagine an even more effective and joyful process?

It’s this back-and-forth that makes visualization truly effective:

* Visualize the process
* Practice what you visualize and noticing what might be even better
* Visualize the improved process
* Practice the improved process

...and repeating like this, so that you enjoy your journey more and more, as you truly get closer to your dreams.

Process-Visualization creates the start of your muscle memory, and the practice strengthens that muscle memory and allows you to see what you need to adjust in your next visualization.
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