Employers Are Pre-Screening Your Social Media—What You Can Do About It

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Boost your job application strategy with this insider tip... 👇
55% of employers now pre-screen candidates on social media—they check LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to get a better sense of who you are BEYOND your resume
And here’s how to turn this to your advantage...
✨ Let your true personality and values come through
✨ Share your passions outside of work to give employers insight into your life
✨ Highlight career moments that show growth, resilience, and achievements
✨ Showcase professional milestones, awards, and projects
✨ Share insights into how you approach tasks and problem-solving
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55% of employers now pre-screen candidates on social media—they check LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to get a better sense of who you are BEYOND your resume
And here’s how to turn this to your advantage...
✨ Let your true personality and values come through
✨ Share your passions outside of work to give employers insight into your life
✨ Highlight career moments that show growth, resilience, and achievements
✨ Showcase professional milestones, awards, and projects
✨ Share insights into how you approach tasks and problem-solving
Follow @BestCompaniesAZ for more career-boosting tips!
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