Jurassic World Dominion is a Trainwreck

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Jurassic World Dominion brings back the cast of 1993's Jurassic Park, in true legacy sequel fashion, but to what end? I talk about what doesn't work in Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard's latest.
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How Ian Malcolm was so right in the first film we didn’t even realize it at the time. He saw this coming. “You read what others had done and you took the next step. You didn’t earn the knowledge for yourselves, so you don’t take any responsibility for it. You stood on the shoulders of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you could, and before you even knew what you had, you patented it, and packaged it, and slapped it on a plastic lunchbox selling it and now”


I love when the main king dinosaur came at the main cast, cornered them and yelled, "I am Jurassic Park", made me cry.


It’s like seeing an old friend and realizing you have nothing in common anymore 😞


One thing that disappointed me was that the movie felt too... safe. None of the protagonists were ever in any real danger of being eaten by dinosaurs. The only ones who were killed off were the villainous characters/henchmen. In the original trilogy, a few of the heroes did die and that actually keeps the audience on edge, because you don't know who will be killed off next. Even in Jurassic World, you had characters like Simon Masrani and Zara, who were neutral characters, and they were killed off. Fallen Kingdom and Dominion played it way too safe and you knew that all of the heroes would survive.


I would actually go as far as to say the film LIED to us. The trailers and promo material made us think Dinosaurs were wreaking havoc on the environment and were causing an ecological imbalance so severe that life as we knew it was at risk. But instead, it was the EXACT same "Our protagonists are trapped in a remote area with Dinosaurs and they have to make it to safety" plotline for the *sixth* movie in a row. Not only that, the film was so thematically drunk that it decided to instead be a Fast and Furious film with a kidnapping plot rather than have anything to do with Jurassic Park!


I was genuinely praying at least one dinosaur would bite Chris’s hand every time he did the thing


Kind of sad that this happened, the franchise seems to have a kind of split personality these days in terms of what the point of it is. Like it acknowledges that the science is blindly ambitious and the commercialization is blindly greedy, nature is ultimately beyond our control and trying to manipulate it into being a spectacle for people to revel in is both dangerous and futile. but on the other hand, hey. cool dinosaurs. enjoy the spectacle kids, dont worry only unimportant or bad characters are in actual danger


It’s incredibly how you can make a Dinosaur move that makes the dinosaurs superfluous to the plot.


Remember, when being attacked by a dinosaur just hold up your hand and they will magically stop. Works every time.


When I sit down to watch a Jurassic Park sequel, giant locusts are exactly what I'm looking for.


The Studio: _"Dodgson, Dodgson, we've got Dodgson here!"_
The Fanbase: _"See? Nobody cares. Nice hat..."_


There's only so many times you can watch Chris Pratt hold his hand up to stop a velociraptor before it begins to get old lol.


They set up this movie to focus on the dinosaurs... Who ended up playing second fiddle to some locusts and a little girl.


It just seems completely bat shit insane:

You have a movie where dinosaurs are roaming the world. How is that not 90% of the plot? Why are there clones and giant locusts? Why hire Chris Pratt for their role and give him absolutely nothing funny to do?


There was literally ZERO reason for the locust and cloning plots. This movie had the easiest job to do - dinosaurs and humans in the real world. That's literally the whole plot, all they had to do was expand upon the initial montage with Claire helping save the dinos, trying to figure out the humanity with seeing dinosaurs as living, breathing animals, etc.


My mind always goes to the little girl and how she didn't apologize for all the repercussions her stupidity caused.
Infact No-one in the movie even acknowledged that even happened.


I feel about Jurassic World, kind of how I feel about the latest Star Wars trilogy.

Both trilogies are like a child stuck between two parents: nostalgia, future. They want to move forward, but are afraid of forgetting their past, and thus the trilogy rattles along like a rickety old car, whose owner doesn’t want to overhaul the engine.


The entire audience at my theater burst into tears and applause when after the final dino battle, Chris Pratt looked at the camera and said "This really is a Jurrasic World Dominion"


Mind boggling how they had an interesting plot right on their plate - dinosaurs running rampant in the modern world - and they still came up with the most boring story possible. Who cares about locusts? Who cares about that clone girl? You have so many interesting twists you could have taken with dinosaurs running amoke, and still chose the lamest route. Makes me think that we've come to a point where we really don't appreciate good writers, because any script writer with two brain cells to rub together could have done something better. Again, you have goddamn dinosaurs, why would you make the movie about anything but that? I'm so confused. It just makes zero sense.


I cried when the cast was about to be killed but the T-Rex appeared and said “it’s Jurassic time” 😭😭😭
