Older Men Don't Realise THIS Attracts Younger Women (Do THIS To Tempt Her) High Value Psychology

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Older Men Don't Realise THIS Attracts Younger Women (Do THIS To Tempt Her) High Value Psychology. Learn how to attract younger women as an older guy.

We understand it can be scary to find yourself single and looking at the dating pool from an older age. You assume you’ll never find somebody new and you’ll be alone for the rest of your life. Well, that’s simply not true. In fact, for some younger women, your age could be the one thing they are looking for when searching for a partner. And why? Well because you’ve lived and experienced things they haven’t.

So you’re out and about and you spot a lovely younger woman and you want to go over and speak to her. So what’s stopping you? How about trying one of these techniques that we’ve got for you and see if you can bag a babe.

You may have stumbled onto today's video because you're looking for dating advice on the following topics: How to attract younger women, dating younger women, older men dating younger women, how to attract women, how age gap relationships work & many more along a similar theme. Today's video will provide you with plenty of helpful tips if you're struggling with any of the situations mentioned above!

A lot of these techniques are more like personality traits and characteristics rather than tactics and tricks you can implement into your daily life to capture the attention of a beautiful younger woman. Which I hope would melt a lot of your stress and anxiety away. Too many older guys count themselves out before the race has even begun because they feel like the age gap between them and younger women is a huge no - without even asking the ladies first. It’s like assuming you won’t find the lost key without looking under the last cushion and just giving up.

It’s important to understand that addressing the age gap is a good idea, it will be an elephant in the room. So if you address it and make sure she is ok with the gap, then you can continue on to get to know each other without the anxiety of the age gap looming over your head. It may be a deciding factor but it may not be. Don’t rule yourself out before having that conversation first. You are more than your age and almost every younger woman loves an older man.

#Joyanima #Dating #Agegap #Flirting #Crush

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Рекомендации по теме

I am 52 and single, not out of fear, but because I am tired of All the trouble women cause me. Deliberately provoking an emotional reaction is not acceptable behavior. Not from women, not from men. I choose the freedom of being single over being trapped in a relationship.


I was asked at one time when I was with a woman 24 years younger, I was 46, she was 22, she liked me and exchanged numbers, and her mom, ( who was around my age, and I think she was jealous.) Mom was cute, but the daughter was FINE. She accused me of robbing the cradle, I told her mom, your daughter picked me, so she's robbing the grave ...


I'm a MGTOW through and through, nevertheless all I ever attract is young women. 20 plus years younger than me or more. I make it known to them all that I'm a single man that chooses to be for the rest of my life. Some don't seem to care and still want to hang around. In my opinion some want to be with me because I don't want them. Works for me but after a while they gotta go.
Solitude is just incredibly attractive to me rather than being in a relationship. And btw, I NEVER feel lonely. There's a difference between being alone and lonely. All I truly need is food, water, shelter and God most of all and I'm happy.


We all know women just want a guy who makes them feel safe. Or in women’s terms a guy that makes them feel safe with money.


Surprisingly I have experienced this myself: I’ve come to not be surprised when A girl approaches me while I am listening to music while at a bar minding my own business, women approach me that are less than half my age, being 73 this was surprisingly welcoming- and when I would ask them why me I was told that old men are attractive because of my personal security I projected while being open and friendly- never thought about this back in the days I was dating and it’s Truly a Blessing to My Spiritual Wellness and continuing existence with Beautiful Women: Thank God


Maturity goes both ways. Mature men prefer a mentally mature partner; irrespective of age. The first sign of petty drama or immaturity is usually a deal killer


I'm 53 and met a 20 year old at a tile store while purchasing tile for my bathroom. Long story short she has a huge interest in me and won't leave me alone. We meet on weekends and talk for hours and yes we've been intimate together. I keep telling her there is way to big of an age gap for it to work out but she keeps telling me it doesn't bother her. She's even sent me videos of older men dating younger woman to let me know it's not too uncommon lol. I've been single for a long while and I'll admit this is a fun experience.


I am 74 and my wife is 39..We have been together 16 years and we are very much in love..For us age is irrelevant to our lives


being the nice guy is the key to the friend zone


Self improvement is always the best first step. Regardless of your intentions.


Most women around my age look much older than me lol


I once approached a younger woman to ask her out. She said she wasn’t interested. The police 👮‍♀️ told me I was banned from the mall.


Be yourself and kind. If someone really like you, you can tell. Be attentive and listen to what they are saying. This shows you care about them.


Anna I don't know how you can always come up with solutions for any age and reminders of necessary steps that need to be followed to be successful and come to fruition with our goals!
Awesome video and thank you so much for your lovely effort!❤❤❤


I am in the late 50th and your adwises makes me feeling charmed but if you are the kind of an INFJ personality you need 1 of a million to understand how you are.
Never the less it feels great falling in love to a younger woman.


I am VERY happily married to a woman who is 34 years younger than me. We are blissfully happy and get along GREAT. It CAN work and in our case it does




I like this series of commentary about older men and younger women. It is a complex subject, as it adds age as a factor to all the other aspects of dating, compatibility, love, etc. I keep hearing "Age is just a number" as a response when a younger woman has approached me, and I ask her about it. That isn't an answer, to me, because it bypasses the many considerations that age difference brings. These videos help me to "separate the wheat from the chaff", as David Crosby notes in one of his older songs. It means that sometimes I have to accept the woman's viewpoint, put aside the worry about age, and just let it take its natural course.


I was talking to my young landlady and mentioned I was to old to be looking for anyone and she said "that's not true, , that's what
life insurance is for"
Few things frighten me, that sent a shiver down my back. 😅


I dated a 20 year old when I was 50. We have an 11 year old son and even tho we not together now we have true feelings for each other
