How To Safely Power Your Home With a Portable Generator

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There are many ways to use backup power such as a portable generator to power your home temporarily in case of a power outage. This video shows a method called "back feeding" and is done using a generator interlock kit and outdoor generator inlet box. All supplies and tools used are listed below.

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As an electrician, I can't help but comment that you need a bushing on that box to protect the wire as it enters the box. It will also keep the wire from being pushed back into the wall. Dont drill the hole right behind where the actual device goes because that limits your options on how to bend the wire around in the box. Great video!


Installed one of these interlock kits for my 10k watt Firman generator. We get frequent power outages in the winter and are on a well that has a 220v pump, no power = no water. Cheap and effective solution.


I am using this same setup, this does gives the homeowner much more flexibility to choose what combination to run based on the wattage that is coming in. Most of the newer portable generators 10, 000 and above have 50 amp plug in on unit. I have a 12, 000 watt rated one and having a 50 amp plug option vs a 30 amp is no comparison. I used Romex 6/3 wiring for 50 amp circuit and a box that is also 50 amp & also had to buy 50 amp breaker and a interlock switch for panel. I have a well pump so when down no water, can run one 220 at a time along with lights and fridge & and outlets. Cant run heat pump but by far having this for backup is a must to keep the home fires burning!


Tip if you want to try to see if it is better or not: for thick wires drill cable holes on the corners of the wiring box, never in the center of the wiring box and you will benefit of having more space to bend the wires around when you do the connections.


Our house has an interlock and we power it with a 9kw generator, which is enough to run about 90% of the house.
One helpful tip is to go through your panel in advance and mark each circuit that you want to run off the generator when the power goes out. I used different colors of permanent marker and just made a dot next to each breaker: red dots for mandatory circuits (fridges, freezers, and key lights) and green dots for optional circuits (everything else except the oven, dryer, and shop sub-panel).
That way you don’t have to think about it in an emergency, just get the generator fired up then start flipping on breakers, red first then green.


Bought a Generac LP5500 after Hurricane Sandy tore up the east coast several years ago. Do a 20 minute test run each month. The generator has been extremely helpful several times keeping us warm, lit and comfortable during those heavy winter storm power outages l


I appreciate the inspiration! I have been wanting to install a generator outlet for several years. I tried to hire an electrician but nobody was interested. I finally did it myself after watching your post, it took about two hours from start to finish. Disclaimer, I had an old 30 amp breaker for an electric range I wasn't using so the main wiring was pretty simple. I just disconnected the range wiring and reconnected the 30 amp generator outlet to that breaker (plus the ground and neutral wires). I made my own interlock bracket (disclaimer: I have knowledge and access to machining tools (i.e., Bridgeport, bandsaw, etc...) at work) and everything worked perfectly. Thanks for the encouragement to get this off my to-do list!


Clear, common sense instructions. Good job and thank you.


This seems like a much better option than a transfer box. So glad I came across this!


Very nice job. I also added an amp/ volt meter to both legs to keep an eye on the amp draw and to keep the legs balanced.


Well done video! Good sound and editing. So nice to see someone do a diy video but not make viewers suffer through each and every screw!


I Just finished putting together my set up. I would like to thank you
for your post and some great tips. Looking forward to ERCOT dropping
the ball again this winter. 👍😜


I'm planning on putting one in the Spring. Going to get a permit and have it inspected. Thanks for sharing and for the tips and info
from other commenters.


As others have posted…. You need to add a strain relief and bushing for the Romex at the box, do not push unprotected wiring back into the brick, and you need to add a gasket or apply silicon to the back of electrical box to protect against moisture.


Glad to see a good video show the correct way to do this. To many videos show how to do it the wrong and dangerous way.


Thanks for the information. We were looking at a generator from Northern Tools. This is exactly what I was describing to my wife to backfeed the breaker box. Not extension cords.


Great instructional and informative video. Greatly appreciated.


Just a suggestion for future projects, , , when you drill a hole for a Tapcon type screw, take a moment and blow the dust out of the hole for better strength. I just use a cheap ear syringe if I'm off-site from my compressor.


I just ordered a kit because of this video, I’ll let you know how everything turns out in 3-14 business days!


Always handing out handy info. Thanks for sharing 👍🏻
