Shadow Six Explained (Part 1) Little Nightmares Theory

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In this video I attempt to explain Shadow Six or Dark Six, Six's shadowy clone that appears in all three Little Nightmares games.

I will explain the character in a literal sense, a more metaphorical one, as well as giving my own interpretations and theories as well.

During editing I came up with a whole other way you could interpret Shadow Six, so I am calling this part 1 and will give that it's own video in the future!

#LittleNightmares #LittleNightmaresTheory

My name is Tericho!

On this channel I explain, explore and expand upon the darkest worlds in video games!

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WAIT WAIT WAIT so now I have another thought regarding Shadow Six’s playfulness. What if she is the manifestation of the exact opposite: Six’s innocence? Hear me out, I think I suck at theories, but hear me out.

That fits just as well for many reasons. Notice how before Six was taken by the bullies, she was mostly very childish (which was obviously natural). This was before her innocence, Shadow Six, was distinguishable from her at all, when they used to be one. Then the capture by the bullies could’ve been the turning point, and that’s when Shadow Six starts becoming a separate entity, due to Six slowly losing her innocence. Though she doesn’t appear just yet as Six retains a little bit of her innocence left, but portrays it in very edgy ways.

Shadow Six first appears in LN2 after the Thin Man kidnaps Six, this COULD be Six finally losing faith in Mono because he didn’t save her, and having her innocence separated from her as a side effect. After the train scene, Shadow Six then appears to guide Mono a little more to the tower, possibly because she wanted him to save Six, for whatever reason. Again, note the playfulness as mentioned in the video.

Shadow Six in the true LN2 ending seems disappointed in Six, and possibly sad that she had literally just betrayed her friend. But because she is the representation of Six’s innocence and she cares (or as mentioned in the video, she might need Six to live for her to live as well, whatever the reason) she sends Six to the maw so she could feed.

She doesn’t seem to VISUALLY influence Six to eat the things she did throughout LN1, and only watches her do so. If we think of Shadow Six as Six’s innocence, her watching Six eat horrible things suddenly looks more like she was watching helplessly, knowing she was unable to stop her, being somewhat more of a figment of Six’s imagination. And about me mentioning earlier that SS supposedly sent Six to the Maw to do just that, I think she’d expect more that Six would eat normal things, unaware of the anomalous hunger she had.

Then at the part where Six eats the Lady, the only hunger episode where Shadow Six doesn’t appear, this possibly isn’t just Six finally succumbing to the darkness, but the remaining fraction of her innocence completely being wiped -- Shadow Six herself.

Thanks for reading this, if indeed you still are. I don’t know why I did but I just wanted to share my own theory lol. Pls don’t yell at me. Anyway, hope you enjoyed and have a good day. :)


I know it's a small detail but since Mono is my favorite character it's important to me; just wanna say that I don't believe Mono chose not to help Six when he was under the bed. He did obviously hesitate, but then he starts to get a headache like he always does when the Thin Man or the signal is close. I think he was scared of reaching out at first, but his character throughout the game doesn't seem like the type to not push through that fear to do the right thing. I feel like if it hadn't have been for that headache, he would have tried to help even if it meant getting captured too. Mono going to the signal tower to save Six only solidifies my belief that he would have helped her otherwise.


One random thing I've noticed about Little Nightmares is how the kids somehow know somewhat of their fates. The raincoat girl in Very Little Nightmares travels by air instead of water and wears a raincoat to protect herself from water but ends up dying IN water. Sorta like she knew her death would be water related. Mono befriends Six and constantly rescues her but unfortunately she drops him. Its like Mono knew he would did alone and kept trying to keep Six with him. Six knows her death will be gluttony related (Gluttony is the Sixth deadly sin, hence her name) but unlikr Mono and the raincoat girl, she doesn't try and avoid it. She constantly eats. If Mono travelled alone without Six and the raincoat girl travelled by water and not air, they wouldn't have died.

Just a random thing that I noticed lol


I feel like Thin Man is a shadow himself and he's doing what he was always doing when he was alive- searching for missing children and doing detective work.


When Mono screams in the final battle against Six, he always leaves a brief glitch.


I love how he explains it SO WELL I always understand every thing he always says


I don't think Mono intentionally betrayed Six the moment she was captured by Thin Man - it looked like he was agony... Before Mono starts teleporting, whenever he's in the same area with Thin man in a cutscene he's gripping his head in pain.


I think I like the theory about shadow six being six’s soul more, but only because I get the feeling everyone links her nature with the weird stuff six does, but we never really see shadow six doing anything evil, other than her having a dark appearance, just like how we never see any of the other glitching remains do anything evil. God I wish another game could come out just so we could see what six ends up doing after leaving the maw. I also wonder if the reason shadow six is so active is because, unlike the rest of the glitches, shadow six knows she still has a body to return to.


I have never realized that so much darkness has been implemented into the game that there's even no hope at all to save it, nice theory Tericho, this gave me a little creeps and chills.


The idea that the children were transformed into monsters and then released is really interesting to me, and even if it is too hard believe that'd be a cool fan art style for LN. Custom freaks like what Ace of Clay creates


Noticed That When Mono is in The Signal Tower it Seems to be Feeding of His Soul, Also when He Shouts a Small Glitch Appears and The Viewers Seem to do The Same.

Edit: Also The Same Happens When He Fights The Thin Man.


I've played Little Nightmares 1 through like 5 times and ive also watched so many people including an ex play it but I've NEVER noticed that shadow six is lurking around! Mind = blown!! Also amazing theories as usual! 10/10


Thanks for uploading man! I’ve been having a hard week mentally and this really just gave me little break from all that.


words couldnt describe how brilliant this is. i keep looking for your little nightmares theory videos every time i get a youtube notification and im way too stoked for part 2!


I have always thought of Shadow Six as the leftovers of the good that was in Six. If we notice, ever since the Thin Men kidnaps Six leaving her shadow behind, Six starts doing terrible things. But only after her separation from Shadow Six (she betray Mono, she won't help any child escape once she reaches The Maw, kills a Name, eats The Lady and kills all the Guests). I think that terrible hunger is due to a desperate need to reunite with that part of good that once was in her. But Shadow Six cannot come together, she is not a corporeal entity. All she can do is observe what Six is ​​becoming without her, helpless and unable to react. And when Six crosses the line by eating The Lady, becoming a real monster, Shadow Six dissolves. She ceases to exist; even the incorporeal presence of that little good that was left behind can no longer exist. It is assimilated by Six, becoming a pure source of darkness ending the transformation of the child.


I just saw the title of "Shadow Six Explained?" and clicked on it cos i wanted to know, and as it was loading, i thoight to myself. "Please be Tericho...", I was so happy when i found out the answer


13:04 “Make sure you don’t come across Six”
To late, I’m making a fight animation of me vs Six. (Except I’m using different theories of her)


This theory makes so much sense, and if you look closely the powers six used look like the particles from shadow six. Not the lady’s


I always think that Six's soul becomes darker the more she spent time in this nightmarish world. She started off wanting to help and befriend the Yellow Raincoat Girl but as time goes on, she becomes more distant from the light and focus on herself to the point of willing to do whatever it takes for her own survival. I like the first theory with some additions that I came up myself but your explanation and theory sounds more plausible.


I have notice very interesting detail:
All glitched remains are emitting eerie melody when Mono is nearby them (also, Mono himself starts to flicker a bit just like with Thinman's presence)
When at the same time this isn't happening with "Shadow" Six, no melody nor flickering Mono.
(Also maybe yet another fun fact, this melody is motiff of ol' good "Hypno")
