It's So Easy To Get This Wrong | Wiring Harness Branching [#FREELESSON]

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Just a little bit of time and planning makes all the difference to a wiring job.

This is just ONE module taken from a full motorsport wiring course. Link below.

The points where our harness needs to branch tend to be the most complicated sections to construct tidily especially when branch outs are coming from different layers within your loom and heading off in different directions to the main 'trunk'.

0:00 - Branching is Hard, This Is Why
0:21 - Our Aim
0:55 - Between Branches
1:07 - Branch Points
1:23 - 2 Most Common Tasks
1:42 - Branch Example
2:38 - Step One: Gathering Wires
4:28 - Lay-up Design Notes
5:51 - Step Two: Securing Branch Sections
7:07 - Step Three: Branch Orientation and Strain Relief
8:32 - Kapton Tape Flexibility Notes
9:10 - Booting Notes
9:34 - Bare Branch Example Takeaway
10:13 - What's next?

Often, we will strike a situation where a branch will contain wires from multiple different layers of the harness section from which it is branching out of and this can make it difficult to tidily gather those wires together to form our new branch.

Our aim is for all the wires to be able to head off down their required branches without seeing any strain at the branch point.

In this [FREE LESSON] our local motorsport wiring legend and part-time CAN Bus communication aficionado, Zac, is going to run us all through how to accomplish a satisfactory branching point that is tidy , correctly strain relieved and ready for the next stages of your motorsport wiring harness construction.

Check back in a few weeks for a lesson on the booting steps that Zac touched on in this lesson too.

#highperformanceacademy #wiring101 #branching #motorsportwiring
Рекомендации по теме

0:00 - Branching is Hard, This Is Why
0:21 - Our Aim
0:55 - Between Branches
1:07 - Branch Points
1:23 - 2 Most Common Tasks
1:42 - Branch Example
2:38 - Step One: Gathering Wires
4:28 - Lay-up Design Notes
5:51 - Step Two: Securing Branch Sections
7:07 - Step Three: Branch Orientation and Strain Relief
8:32 - Kapton Tape Flexibility Notes
9:10 - Booting Notes
9:34 - Bare Branch Example Takeaway
10:13 - What's next?


You guys have been so helpful on my automotive journey. I’ve been a bit slow on wiring my car but I’m excited and even ready to take it a bit further by engineering my own fuse box. It would make the power source much simpler than having 2 split fuse boxes that my car comes with factory, and I could treat it like a pdm. I’d like to produce a factory or better quality harness before my project is sold


Now I've booked the Hpa VIP, very nice. Greetings from Germany!


I think he nicked one wire in the sensor branch?! Maybe?


I’m still unsure about what the actual job of the kapton tape is for. Other then helping to provide strain relief why is it used in place of tradition electrical tape? I heard the part about making it easier to service wires if needed and to prevent the adhesive of the molded boot to settle on the wires. But is there other reasons why this tape is used?


Is it normal for a coolant temp sensor to have continuity between the wires when you measure at the sensor connector? In none auto applications a tempereature sensor may have a resistive divider at the ecu side but I dont imagine an automotive system requires the level of accuracy that would require 4 wire measurement so I assume the continuity is due to some break in the wires but always good to get a second opinion.


Newbie here. Pros/cons kaptontape vs lacing yarn used in avionics ?


I'm still a bit confused on how he will identify each cable?


How do you tell which sensor is which when using the same color wire for all the sensor


Hat is the tape you use where you branch off?


Typing as a world-renowned video production expert and world-champion watcher of the YouTubes, please allow me to provide some irritating feedback. Something about this video is super super annoying. Even watching this video at 2x speed, it drags on and on. Most of the video is so god-fucking-damn boring but tantalizing because of the excellent reputation of past HPA videos and the visuals of the wire harness, which looks unusually good. Even the characteristic color of the kapton tape is doing a better job selling the video than the forever-long lecture. Also, the interesting part is so fast you can hardly see what is going on. Even at 1x it's time lapsed to the point of not being smooth video. TL;DR this should be a 2 minute video of applying kapton tape with a voice over for the (valuable) content. It's a stretch limo when all we want is an Uber.
