Integrates Enterprise Geodatabase and PostGIS under Same PostgreSQL Database Part.1 Installation

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How to extend Enterprise Geodatabase features with PostGIS functionalities to make an Spatial Geodatabases that can works on ArcGIS and QGIS. Mixed Geodatabase would have core Enterprise Geodatabase functionalities like Archiving, editor tracking, versioning, but at same time stored as PostGIS PG_GEOMETRY so it can be edited in QGIS, spatial enabled thru common PostGIS client like PgAdmin, Dbeaver or even Tableau.
This workflow must be considered as experimental so implementation in production environment must be addressed with many considerations.
This topic will be separated into few videos because duration constrains. For the first part it will demonstrate about PostgreSQL. PostGIS and Enterprise Geodatabase installation and initial configuration. Stay tuned for the next videos if you are interested about this topic.
This workflow must be considered as experimental so implementation in production environment must be addressed with many considerations.
This topic will be separated into few videos because duration constrains. For the first part it will demonstrate about PostgreSQL. PostGIS and Enterprise Geodatabase installation and initial configuration. Stay tuned for the next videos if you are interested about this topic.
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