Old React App Not Starting | Solution | Yarn Start Error | NPM Start Error | Fix Old React App

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I created this app one and half year ago. I used create-reat-app to start this react project. Node JS has been upgraded, react and create-react-app have been upgraded since then. This project will not run now. It needs dependencies upgrade. How to run such old react project that is not running.

Open terminal
Install node modules, packages or React project dependencies
Yarn was used as a package manager for this app
command to install packages will be
- yarn install
To run the app,
we will use command
- yarn start
But we encounter the error
and React JS project is not running
run command
- yarn upgrade --latest react-scripts
React Scripts package will be upgraded
Now run the app using
- yarn start
and the app will run now
So if u have an old react project that is not running or throwing error when u try to run it, upgrade react scripts package and in most cases it will work. You may check for other dependencies if they are old and need upgrade.

To upgrade a create-react-app project, we need to update the react-scripts module to the latest version and update app to be compatible with any breaking changes in react-scripts.
yarn upgrade --latest react-scripts
command, rebuild your app, and everything should work again.

Topics covered
- How to upgrade a React project built with create-react-app to the next create-react-app version?
- How to upgrade a React project?
- React project is not running error
- React project error
- yarn start error for react project
- npm start error for react project
- Fix old React project
- Fix broken react project
- create-react-app is not working

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