Calculus 2: Ch 18 Arc Length (of Curves) (10 of 18) Example 6 Circle

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We will find the arc length on the function x^2+y^2=R^2 (circumference).

Title: Calculus 2: Ch 18 Arc Length (of Curves) (11 of 18) Example 7 cosh(x)

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I think if you define x=R as your upper bound as the "start of the circle" and when x=0 as your lower bound at the point when the circle touches the y-axis, that would actually make more sense. It would be as if it was a polar-like approach.

The other way is to do the lazy math way "it's a length, so use an absolute value" haha


Handwaving at the end; negative value for arc length going the opposite direction along the curve, no?


I don't think they figured it out so much as they defined π by the circle. So the problem was finding a value for π.


Awesome video Prof. Your videos serve as a revision to my university studies. And Its always up to us as to how we apply these concepts to our everyday life.
