The America-class:Turn the Amphibious Assault Ship Into a Lightning Carrier

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The first of the Lightning carriers is the USS America. This 45,000-ton vessel is equipped with a 257-meter flight deck and a large aircraft hangar that can carry about twenty F-35B fighters alongside MV-22B Osprey tiltrotors and conventional helicopters. The USS America is designated as a Landing Helicopter Assault ship and serves as the flagship of Expeditionary Strike Group Seven, an amphibious warfare task group configured to embark more than 2,000 marines and their equipment, and is escorted by destroyers and submarines as necessary.
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My pop was XO on USS Guadalcanal back in the day. This video was really good. Thanks.


Reminds me of the good ole "jeep" carriers of WW2....nice💪🏻


Japan are adding a number of these small carriers along with a number of another allied nations. We have had a couple home ported here in Mayport Florida. Great warships. Shalom


Best video I have seen on the Amphibious Assault Ships!


The America class amphibious assault ships, initiated with USS America (LHA-6), represent a significant evolution in the design and capabilities of amphibious warfare vessels for the United States Navy. Historically, these ships are built to project power and provide a sea-based platform for the Marine Corps to conduct amphibious and expeditionary operations across the globe. However, the initial designs of the America class made a notable departure from their predecessors by omitting the well deck, a feature that enables the launch and recovery of landing craft and amphibious vehicles, in favor of enhanced aviation capabilities. This shift aimed to leverage the advancements in aircraft technology, particularly the F-35B Joint Strike Fighter and MV-22 Osprey, enhancing the ship’s role in air power projection and support for Marine Corps operations.

The design philosophy behind the initial ships, USS America (LHA-6) and USS Tripoli (LHA-7), prioritized an “aviation-centric” approach, expanding hangar space, and optimizing the flight deck to accommodate more aircraft and their operations. This design was influenced by modern warfare’s requirements, where aerial surveillance, transport, and attack capabilities are deemed crucial for strategic and tactical advantages. The emphasis on aviation capabilities was also a response to evolving threat environments, where enhanced air power could provide a decisive edge in amphibious assaults and support operations .

Despite these advancements, feedback and operational assessments highlighted the importance of the well deck for amphibious operations, leading to a reevaluation of the America class’s design. The subsequent ships, starting with USS Bougainville (LHA-8), reintroduced the well deck while striving to maintain robust aviation capabilities. This change reflects a balanced approach to amphibious warfare, acknowledging the critical role of ship-to-shore connectors in landing operations and the strategic value of air power. The inclusion of the well deck in USS Bougainville and subsequent ships like USS Fallujah (LHA-9) allows for the embarkation and deployment of landing craft, enhancing the ships’ versatility in amphibious assault and humanitarian assistance missions. These vessels are designed to support a range of operations, from combat to disaster relief, by facilitating the rapid deployment of Marines, equipment, and supplies from sea to shore .

The decision to reincorporate the well deck into the America class’s design has strategic, technological, and logistical implications. Strategically, it enhances the flexibility and capability of amphibious ready groups by enabling a broader spectrum of operations, from traditional beach landings to disaster relief and humanitarian missions. Technologically, it underscores the Navy’s commitment to integrating air and sea capabilities, ensuring that these ships can serve as a mobile base for both aircraft and amphibious operations. Logistically, the reintroduction of the well deck addresses operational feedback and lessons learned, ensuring that the America class can fulfill the diverse mission requirements of the Marine Corps and Navy .

Historically, amphibious assault ships have evolved from the WWII-era landing ships to the multi-faceted platforms seen today. The America class’s development reflects this continuous evolution, adapting to the changing nature of warfare and operational needs. The reintroduction of the well deck, alongside enhanced aviation facilities, marks a significant step in the ongoing refinement of amphibious assault ship design, aiming to provide balanced capabilities that address the complex challenges of modern and future conflicts. The America class, with its hybrid approach, stands as a testament to the Navy’s adaptive strategy and technological advancement in ensuring global maritime dominance and amphibious warfare capability.


This means the Brits, the Aussies, and the Japanese can do this and multiply the carrier groups x 4-6 factor.


What's needed to maximize the Lightning Carrier (and other F-35 based carriers like the UK's Queen Elizabeth or Japan's Izumo) is an AEW&C aircraft, maybe an Osprey variant.


That’s why it’s called, Invasion-in-a-Box!


A lot of fire power in a lightning carrier group. Virginia class sub. One or two Burke class destroyers. One of the new Constellation class frigates.


Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.


Drones don't have the penalty of carrying a pilot. In the future they could travel farther with more munitions enhancing the reach of these smaller carriers or smaller drones could carry out some missions of the planes with less risk and in great quantities.


With a well deck added back to the ship, then maybe the Marines will wise up and bring back Armor, Maybe not the Abrams but the new 105 equipped APC.


I wish Canada had similar ships to these except outfitted for arctic use. The Arctic will become a major worry for Canada as the Northwest Passage opens up and foreign ships start using it a lot more. It's considered international waters but if there is a major disaster up there, Canada will be left holding the bag for responsibility and dealing with any disasters up there because those international waters are boarded on both sides by Canadian coastlines. The DeWolf patrol ships are way too small for what may be asked of them because submarines can't respond to disasters


These ships will be ideal for situations where Americans must be evacuated in instances in civil unrest in a foreign country. The fact you park this ship off the cost and have substantial firepower as well the ability to transport larges numbers of people will defintely make a potential advesary or coup leader think twice about harming U.S. Citizens or allies


Seems like the 3d America class ship WITH the bigger well deck will be far more flexible as a true assault ship. this will permit more landing craft and Marines.


That’s only if you consider a 45, 000 tonne America class amphibious assault ship lightweight ????


Carrier strike group ! Your probably better off not getting their attention. God bless America🇺🇸


Amphibious light carriers are faster and more cost-efficient for us taxpayers.


Exactly that’s why they didn’t want to give it up.


30 MM side guns are one option, I think a mix of short range “SubRoc” would possibly work as well.
