What is the Afterlife in Tolkien's Works? Middle-earth Explained

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Each kindred in Middle-earth has a different destiny in the afterlife. What comes after life is a driving force of character motivations throughout Tolkien’s works, and is important in the conversation of humanity, life and time as presented in the legendarium. Thank you all so much for watching, let me know your thoughts about the afterlife in Tolkien’s works in the comments below! As always, a great thanks to the online artists whose visual works made this video possible! If you are one of the artists, please let me know and I will post your name and a link to your work in this description!

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PIPPIN: I didn't think it would end this way.

GANDALF: End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.

PIPPIN: What? Gandalf? See what?

GANDALF: White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.

PIPPIN: Well, that isn't so bad.

GANDALF: No. No, it isn't.


I hope when Galadriel got back to to the West she was able to talk to Feanor, and told him how a humble Dwarf earned the gift of three strands of her hair


So Tolkien takes great pains to point out that Elves and even the Valar will eventually grow weary of the immortality of their continuing existence and become jealous of the Gift of Men. For gift it originally was. This was why Melkor left Angband as soon as he heard of the awakening of Men. His greatest victory, incomplete though it was, was tainting the gift so that men have ever feared death and have clung to life instead of willingly departing when the time came. Remember when the Edain first arrived in Numenor, the kings died by choice, not by the physical end of life. Aragorn was the last to die in that way, willingly departing. This was why he counseled Arwen not to fail the last test and cling to life until the bitter end.


Hey everyone, here are timestamps for the different kindreds and their afterlives! Enjoy!
I. Intro: 0:00- 0:56
II. Ainur (Valar and Maiar): 0:56- 2:27
III. Elves: 2:27- 3:59
IV. Men/Hobbits: 3:59- 6:21
V. Half-elves: 6:21- 7:18
VI. Dwarves: 7:18- 7:50
VII. Miscellaneous Free-Peoples: 7:50- 8:33
VIII. Miscellaneous Villains: 8:33- 10:02
IX. Outro: 10:02- 11:17


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Let the armies of the mundane know this: never again will this channel fall into dispair

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Knowing that there is an afterlife in lord of the rings actually makes me feel comfort when reading and watching


I remember my curiosity was piqued when first reading The Silmarillion and finding that Men were special in a mysterious way. Although they lacked the lifespan and perhaps certain abilities the elves had, they were to have a great role to play in Illuvatar's music.


Yes! Please talk about Tolkien’s thematic use of death. I would love that. Great video!


I vote yes for the Build a World video that you suggested. I am grateful you put out content to this day on the dearest fantasy mythos to me.


Listing to this while waiting for the Blood moon.

Thank you for these videos.


I know I'm late but here's my thoughts: JRRT was a Catholic, and a devout one at that. In Christianity, it's believed that once the saved die, they depart from the whole Universe and live with the Living God in His abode, in supreme bliss and love for all timeless eternity. I truly believe that's what he meant to happen to Men. Why no one knew what happened to Men after the died? Well that's cuz everyone on Arda, except Men, were bound to Arda. They only knew what was going on and what would happen to Arda because they were, imo, woven into the very existence of Arda/Ëa. Outside their knowing of Creation, they were clueless to know what happened. I agree with you, Men pass beyond the bounds of Ëa, and into Eru's presence. And that's what makes them so special. They et to rejoin Eru and (thru Christan theology) be at One with him.


“It is important to live in the now, while we have time and strength left to do good in the world”. Very true my friend. Great video.



Edit: I noticed you liked my comment so this is my chance to say thank you for all you do since it seems as though LOTR content creators are rare these days and I think that really shows your love for the series since you still haven’t given up on it. You give me hope that future generations will come to love this book series just as much as people like us do.


Quick question, are you (yoystan) the only one who works on these videos, or is there a small team? Either way, your videos are enjoyable.


Never thought I'd say this but you're wrong for once, Morgoth was cast out yes but he was still bound to Arda regardless as is all Valar and they can only die once Arda is destroyed because they have placed part of themselves into Arda just as Sauron did with his ring. In Dagor Dagorath Arda will be destroyed and that will be the only time the Valar and more importantly Melkor can be killed. Eru will then sing a new theme and create a better world

Greatly enjoy your videos btw


I don't imagine that creature's that served Melkor out of torment like the orcs should be resigned to join Melkor beyond the doors of night!


Man, best LOTR channel of all, by far. I love your videos. The way you go about making them, the way you present them. It's obvious to anyone watching, you love the material as much as I or anyone else does. Please, keep up the fantastic work.


No matter what part of life I'm consumed by, whether it be good or devoid of humanity, lotr lore carries me through.


Always been one of the topics I wish I knew more about. Thanks much!


Yes I would love a second video on Tolken's mysterious picture of death in LOTR !! Thank you for this channel !!! It is an amazing blessing !!!
