Why Gaddafi's Gold Dinar Currency Was a Threat

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According to some, the invasion of Libya was about protecting civilians, others said it was about Libya’s vast oil reserves but everyone was convinced that it was all about currency, specifically Gaddafi’s plan to introduce the gold dinar, a single African currency made from gold that would eventually replace the US dollar when trading with Africa. Many scholars have said that it's the kind of thing that one has to plan almost in secret and launch when ready because as soon as you say it, you’ll have a bullseye on your back.

You see the world relies on the US dollar, giving America Unparalleled Economic Dominance. Nearly 90% of international currency transactions are in dollars, 60% of foreign exchange reserves are held in dollars and almost 40% of the world’s debt is issued in dollars. That gives the US extraordinary power over nearly anyone who imports or exports anything anywhere. Clinton’s victory lap was explained away as Mission Accomplished for the US-NATO intervention following reports of mass atrocities under Gaddafi. It was later revealed that President Obama had asked his advisors to draw up options including a new military front in Libya and the Defense Department was reportedly standing ready with the full spectrum of ground military operations required.

The 2016 publication of Clinton’s emails revealed another agenda behind the Libyan war, one which it seems was achieved. Prevention of the demise of the American buck as well as prevention of the creation of the independent hard currency in Africa that would free the continent from its economic bondage, rival the dollar, the Euro and put an end to the exploitative French African franc.

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The problem of us Africans is the fact that we announce everything to everyone.


"Governments do not typically intervene in other nations to benefit humanity" - This hit me. Thank you for this informative video on Gaddafi


"Governments sell wars as acts of philanthropy" This hit hard


You can kill a revolutionary but you can't NEVER kill a revolution: Kaddafi's idea stayed with us & one day there will be a new African leader who will establish Kaddafi's idea!!!


The United States should never be forgiven for their crimes toward Libya.


Strongly agree with you from INDIA 🇮🇳 We know how dollars are worst for any non Western nations!


That comment by HRC sent chills down my spine...we as Americans have not been told the truth about Libya.


Imagine the whole African continent, having 1 passport, 1 currency and 1 army. That was a very BIG threat to the U.S because they want to remain the world most powerful.

This is why, in life, when planning something BIG, do it in secret. Not everyone would be happy with your BIG plan. Some people are BENT on making sure you don't achieve your BIG plans. WICKEDNESS!!!


As an American born child, I'm ashamed everyday just from what goes on over here. Ever since I was able to understand what was really going on with Osama, this gentleman; I'm utterly ashamed that they paint them as terrorists but in actuality they are protecting what's theirs. They want to survive and thrive. I've never understood why the USA is all over in every other country but no one is all over the US. This is shameful and I sincerely apologize on behalf of the US. I pray that this world would be cleansed from all evil, wicked, and greed. One day, it will take a strong person or group to release the greedy bondage of the US and I hope to live to see it. I stand with my people across the waters.🖤🖤🖤


Gadafi used to go around his country and see his people face to face, they all loved him, because he did everything for his people.
On the other hand we have leaders that don’t know anything about the people they leading, it’s all about securing the bag for themselves,
And America will one day pay for what they did, just like we are paying for not protecting our leader the greatest man to ever live Gadafi may your soul rest in peace.


As a pan Africanist I was sad when Gaddafi died. After this video I am pissed beyond words.


Unfortunately, Gaddafi’s dream was bigger than him. The West wasn’t going to see his project succeed


This truly goes to show how weak, the west's global financial system founded on debt, is.


Thank you for the story. It was well narrated. This just makes me sick to my stomach. And Africans cannot see this and unite. All of the atrocities against you and you respond with fighting your brother or sister.


I'm a German and remember completely buying into the western propaganda as a young teenager. Back in the days when I still thought there were good and bad factions in war even tho I played CoD MW2 and Captain Price talked about the winner writing history.


This is the best video that I've ever watched on YouTube. The gold dinar will work. Africa will need China and Russia, to help launch such a plan. Africa also need a military agreement like NATO. If one African country is attacked, then all African countries are attacked. 🌅


I don't normally get tears but this broke me, i always knew about all this but this made it clear.
Watching the state of libya today and thinking of Africa as a strong independent continent hurts knowing full well there are people who won't let it happen in the name of humanity. One day Africa, one day


As an American, I appreciate you sharing your perspective. Your words have given me quite a bit to ponder over, and yet another lens, through which to view both the past and current situation. With every lens, I get closer to seeing the whole picture. For that, I thank you.

I also appreciate you pointing out the difference between the goals of the foreign governments, and the goal of the average citizen of those nations. I feel like most people of the world are kind and helpful, and would gladly lend a hand to their fellow man if it were badly needed. People are kind, loving, and generally good. Governments are selfish. Governments are paranoid. Hopefully someday we can see a government that truly acts in a way that accurately represents its people, instead of fabricating conflict to justify its own existence. Humanity is an amazing.thing...when we work together, we can literally move mountains.

I hope today is sunny and bright in your part of the world. Cheers!


Kadafi was such a boss, he had America shaking in their boots. May he Rest In Peace.


As an American citizen, I agree with this video's content.
