iPhone 14 Plus vs iPhone 12 Pro Max

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iPhone 14 Plus vs iPhone 12 Pro Max || Full Comparison - Which one is Best?

#iPhone14Plus #iPhone12ProMax

iPhone 14 Plus PROS:
Faster A15 Bionic chip
Better selfie camera
Better battery

iPhone 12 Pro Max PROS:
Better rear camera

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Title: Spring by Ikson
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The prices in this video are of when the video was published, the prices can change at any time, please bear that in mind. Some phones are not in every market so we tend to convert the pricing so you can get an idea of how much the phone will cost in your country.
Also, the comparison is based on numbers. Although we make extensive research on each comparison before putting it out. You can make a final decision after watching our videos because we are 90% accurate.

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Hi, Would 12 pro max still be bought in December 2022? I'm going to buy a phone from abroad, I'm stuck between 12 pro max and 14 (normal). Overseas prices are very close to each other. Except for minor technical details, I can't see a gap between the 12-13-14 series. The big screen looks a little more attractive. Since I can't afford 13 pro max and 14 pro max, 12 pro max is more attainable for me financially. Both the large screen and the photo quality that does not look like 13-14 push me to 12 pro max. Two things make me think. If I buy the first 12 pro max, I will get a 2 year old phone and my update will end 2 years before. I'm an average user of 5 years, will 12 pro take me max 5 years? If I buy it, will I be investing into the past? Or should I buy a 14 just because it's the current model? Should I follow the logic that new is still new?


Una correcion el iphone 14 plus tiene 6gb de ram al igual que el 14 normal


Блин. Нахера сравнивать, если даже не шаришь, что у 14Plus 6 гигов оперативы, а не 4.


This is such BS. No way I would trade my 12 Pro Max for a 14 Plus. Gotta be kidding me!


El 12 por max cámara frontal 2.2
El 14 plus Cámara de 1.9 por que gana el 14??


Una correccion
todos los iphone 14 cuentan con 6gb de ram.
Aunque ambos cuentan con face ID, el face id a partir del 13 es mas pequeño y mejorado pudiendo desbloquear el teléfono en verticial sin necesidad de girar la cabeza, de tal manera que podras desbloquear el telefono en verticial para hacer una que otra opcion en el modo espera de ios 17.


So why are people paying $200 more for the Pro max again?? Lol
