you ARE the main character

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keep it up, you're such a main character

Game: Drift 86
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Love the message of Mob Psycho. You're not special; everyone has their place in this world; and you're the main character of your own story.


Mika knows how to express himself so well. Gives me some motivation to do the same


I have never seen an emotional and uplifting speech coupled with but I'm here for it.


I've always felt like I was the background extra in everyone's story, and it made me feel alone, I always felt like I didn't have friends, and that I'm just not good enough to be someone's real friend. Until almost a year ago now when I realized that I had friends, and they liked me, I got out of my depression when I realized the full meaning of the CS Lewis quote: "True humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less" and that helped me. Always thinking there had to be something wrong with me, always thinking I was just a copy of my dad, thinking I wasn't an original "character" wasn't humility like I thought it was. Pride can mean a lot of things, it can mean that you think you're all that, that you're the most important person ever, but it can also mean thinking you're always the worst person. We all need true humility


Hey man, I think that I, and a lot of others, owe you a thank you. I've been here for years and your content is always thought provoking and cathartic.
Thank you, I got legs, dog. You got legs?


I was too anxious to go on dates after a messy break up. This video gave me the confidence to go out in the world and the confidence to go on dates again.
Thank you apanda, you always have the most heart warming videos!


realizing your life is in your complete control is such an empowering thing


Your music has come to mean so much to me over the past year. If I am the main character of this movie, you are the soundtrack


I’ve started inviting myself to things and it’s just better. I made myself the chance to be happier. This video is something that needs to be said ❤.


I cried.
I’ve been going through a lot recently, problems in my relationship with one of my important friends, homework and school stress, but just listening to you talk about how I matter in my life and say it so truthfully. I just needed to hear that. Thank you so much for helping me and so many others. You’ve impacted so many lives and I hope you live by how you tell others to too. 😊Have a great day


The line “treat yourself like you’d treat your best friend” hit me real hard. I don’t think I’ve been doing that. I should do that.


This video hits home fairly hard. Its definitely difficult to pull yourself out of this mindset. I've slowly pulled myself out and was to start making videos and exploring who I am. Even if i'm not 100% there yet, the progress can feel good. One step at a time ya'll, keep on keepin on. Dope video Mika (:


Thank you Mika. I've always felt like I've had a bit of a Protagonist complex. Anyway, stream Alex Unknown


This is so damn relatable. I started looking after myself more and doing things I wanted to do. I was sick of worrying about peoples opinions, so I dyed my hair black, got new glasses(square to rounded), improved my hygiene and facial care, started wearing clothes I love. I'm a straight guy who loves fashion, accessorising, programming. And I only discovered so much of myself because I started caring about MYSELF and putting MYSELF first always. Your the most important thing in your life, treat yourself like it, and stop judging others so much. You'll feel like a new person


Thanks mika, i really needed to hear this. Ive always thought i was just a side character in all of my friends lives, just that one character thats always there but never really says anything. I tend to mirror people’s personalities so ive always felt like i was always somewhere i dont belong or felt like i had no true personality. But it wasnt until last year i found out i actually make a difference in a friends life and that they actually look forward to talking to me. Right now i hope to try to get out more, and try new things to hopefully get out of the mindset that i dont deserve to do these things


Thanks for this video. Last year, I was able to embrace the thought of me being the main character of my life and made an effort to do things I loved, hang out with a group of people I made friends with in college, and put myself out there. But now I've lost contact with that friend group and went back to my old ways. Now I just feel like I'm in the sidelines for my own life, just trying to put the effort to complete my assignments and sitting around anticipating when I visit home or home visits me. I'm trying my best to get back into my old "main character" routine soon, but right now I'm simply trying to make an effort to do the little things. I go on small self adventures by myself and explore the city I live in while I'm still here. It's not everything I want, but I'm trying so maybe that's what matters


HOLY SHIT I REALLY NEEDED THAT!Have been waiting for the "you are still doing your best followup for so long".
You are the real deal mikasakus ❤


i almost cried to this video. i’ve felt like this for so many years, this gaping feeling constantly punching me in my gut. thank you so much, i really needed this video :, )


I am so glad I came across this. I have been struggling with the problem of not feeling like I deserve the things that I want, and I try to justify in my head not getting them for some reason or another. I have been talking to those closest to me in my life and trying to figure out what exactly is going on with me, and this video really spoke to me. I appreciate what you are doing for people, and I hope you keep it up. You are doing more for people than you might realize.


I really don’t care if this gets zero likes, just wanted to say, I watched this video and was genuinely touched. It really spoke to me especially since the last year and a half of my life I’ve been truly trying to make the most of my life and making my self the main character of my own story. Subbed and all notis on just from this video 🤝
