Justin Curry (05/18/22): Exemplars of Sheaf Theory in TDA

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In this talk I will present four case studies of sheaves and cosheaves in topological data analysis. The first two are examples of (co)sheaves in the small: (1) level set persistence and (2) decorated merge trees. The second set of examples are focused on (co)sheaves in the large: (3) understanding the space of merge trees as a stratified map to the space of barcodes and (4) the development of a new "sheaf of sheaves" that organizes the persistent homology transform over different shapes.
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Hey! Great talk! This came at the perfect time. Can I offer a suggestion that I know is a lot more work for the organizers? Could we get the list of papers referenced in the description? I know I can go back through the slides, but it's hard to tell if I got them all when it's a video and I'm trying to skip through.
