Ep 3. SOLVED - Where did the Ancient Egyptians Go when Kemet Fell?

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When it comes to history, for African people, this must become basic, standard knowledge from a very young age.


When racist say that the ancient egyptians were not native black africans. I tell them to remember where kemet first started which was in the south a.k.a nubia.


Keep teaching, Ancient kemet is just the gateway into Africa's history 👁


Some of the Benin bronzes, as well as head dresses worn today look very similar to styles in Kemet Particularly, their penchant for the snake that adorned the front of the crowns. Reminds me very much of some West African adornments of today.


This platform is a blessing. In my humble opinion ignorance is the greatest threat to humanity. Thank you for being a prescription and antidote against the disease of ignorance. It would be a blessing if especially the black billionaires and millionaire and all who are able to support and help build this platform of knowledge into a campus or modern museum with this platforms information that would become a mecca for people all over the 🌎 to expand and learn the truth to truly set mankind free from ignorance, hate, and racism that is a plague that is a Clear and Present Danger to Mankind😢


I can see elements of Kemetic clothing and culture among the Zulu/Xhosa/Ndebele (Nguni tribes), Tswana (or Sotho-tswana), east african bantu and some west African tribes. It really was like Wakanda with many different cultures living as one. Hence hieroglyphics instead of written language so that one could read and write regardless of language differences.


Psalm 119: 105 "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path ." . 🙌🏾


The Great awakening of our motherland Africa


All of Africa has a rich history which is hidden. I’m from America, but I’ve done my research. My family is from Nigeria, and I’m PROUD to say I’m African! Africa Unite! We can win this war!!


🤭I forgot to add, one main reason why ancient Egypt failed goes like this, when foreigners such as Arabs and Europeans invaded ancient Egypt, they really wasn't Pharaohs. They were leaders who invaded and occupied ancient Egypt. So, remember when America was controlled by Britain and Britain kept raising the taxes on Americas good such as tea? And here in modern times America have a big immigration problem with people coming from all over the world especially from South America. Think of that in a way of ancient Egypt. Egypt was being overran by too many foreign immigrants. Therefore, between all the foreign immigrants being too many mouths to feed etc and foreign occupying invaders sucking the life out of Egypt by placing too much tax on the original black Egyptians kept causing the thriving economy to collapse from within the greed of the foreign occupiers stealing and price gauging coupled by over taxation. Note: This is the direction modern America is heading in being over populated bad policies and corporate greed paying little to no taxes. Food for thought..!


This video and message is on point. Period!


K.R Lepsius wrote about the artifacts they were escavating in Egypt.

, "Where we were expecting to see an Egyptian ( meaning Egyptian with present day physical features), an authentic Negro was represented"

Karl Richard Lepsius
Prussian egyptologist (1810-1884)

Founder of Egyptology in Germany


@withoutHistory, the Adinkra symbols of the Akans in Ghana have been located on certain tombs in present day Egypt. What does Adinkra mean? you ask? It means "we say our farewells or bye bye". Our ancestors have told us through various folklore that we had to relocate from our original home to various places, meeting and sharing the land and our way of life with many people along the way. Each time leaving some of our people and bringing along some. The Akan Nation is made up of many different sub groups of people comprising various clans. And that's our story. No one can change or erase that. History will always speak for itself. 🙏🏿


It seems to me that often the noses of many of the sculptures are missing, or broken. This could help settle once and for all the debate about the race of ancient Egyptians. Personally, I believe they were black.


Excellent presentation! However, I wanted to clarify that the name Nubia is actually a misnomer. The proper name for that region and the founder of Kemet is Kush. As they say, "All roads lead to Kush." 👑


It's refreshing to hear true history ....When the other narrative doesn't make any sense to the majority of us!


Another excellent presentation 'Without History'...
This one is a keeper. 🙏🏿 👍🏿


Im a black man from Arkansas and my dna according to my true ancestry... Ancestral seat VALLEY OF THE KINGS.


A general comment.

I can recall meeting and listening to brother Ra Un Nefer Amen (personally) at a lecture and book signing waay back in 1999.

He succinctly described ancient KEMET as an, "old woman" during the successful foreign invasions, excursions and conquests that marked the end of the glorious heyday of ancient KEMET/Egypt.

(The point being that everything and everyone ultimately and eventually comes to an end.)

Also, there are numerous YouTube channels and online websites weighing in on the debate (sparked by the Netflix documentary on Cleopatra VII) of who were/are the original ancient "KEMETians".

A brilliant point brought out by many online sources was that the present day Berbers/Arab "occupiers" could not possibly be the descendants of the original ancient Black Egyptians because if they were, they would not have allowed the "congenial" destruction, desecration, theft, looting and false representation of their "ancient, ancestral inheritance and Legacy" by foreign, European, capitalistic Invaders!

Cheik Ante Diop's documented written research is an excellent starting point for the "objective" analysis of the race/ethnicity of the original Egyptians because he literally left "no stone unturned" in his books 'the African Origin of Civilization' and 'Civilization or Barbarism'!

Good clip, good food for thought!
