How to grow sweet potatoes.

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Did you know that you grow sweet potatoes different from regular potatoes? I didn't know until last year.

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This is the first video to answer the single question i had. And you did it in under a minute. i've also gotta get busy! Thank you!


Thanks for the video. I planted sweet potatoes a year ago and I haven't seen a single leaf. Now I know why! 😂


I plant mine in the ground every year and get tons of vines and tons of tubers at harvest. I’m in zone 7a/b. Never in my years of growing sweet potatoes have I ever had to do anything but put a couple in the ground and give them a little water. My yard is mainly sand too, so nutrients are basically non existent but they seem to find the nutrients somehow and give me large tubers. I don’t even fertilize. I must have a horseshoe up my butt or something when it comes to sweet taters. I sure don’t have one when it comes to anything else, that’s for sure.


I put my sweet potato halfs with long slips into buckets with dirt. Just use half of the sweet potato, if its to big it can start to rott more easy ruining the plant.

My grow long flimsy slips by lying on the darker kitchen floor (a corner where i have my potatoes and other vegetabels) with nothing, the more they have the better its working. That way they are growing like wild, will be interesting this year if they have some good potatoes or just greenery in the buckets.

Not many know that but you can eat the leafs of sweet potatoes! They can be eaten raw have many uses in salads, soups and more :)


Fun fact, they are not fond of soil high in nitrogen. If you grow them in that soil, you will have gorgeous vines but no sweet potatoes. They LOVE the heat and wet soil. Not flooded but they love water. And you can just plant the slips into the soil without rooting inthe water first. Also, best to grow them in containers. They can become invasive. 😊


In the middle of Aug, i put a sweet potato that was budding straight in the ground, barely fully covered in soil. 2 months later, it's grown all over the place, including outside the raised bed and many feet beyomd the bed. Last weekend i was pulling the vines out to put back in the bed. I had no idea, because ive never messed with them before, but the roots had grown sweet potatoes. They were about finger size, so i just left the rest. However many more there are, ill find out soon enough


Thanks for this great video! I was wondering about just planting the whole potato ... now I know better.


😂 I'm confused then, which came first?
The sweet potato or the slip?
Seriously I'm trying to learn this and everyone is talking about slips!!
Ok if i plant a well rooted SLIP❤
In a large pot and water it correctly and make sure it's got everything it needs, 🙄 will i get sweet potatoes or a big a$$ ROOTED SLIP?😂
Because if slips don't grow sweet potatoes I'm Done 😂
Last year i grew potatoes for the first time and followed all the rules and it worked so i thought I'd graduate up to my favorites and leave tomatoes and zucchini in the past. Thank you for your Cliff Hanger Video Short, first experience😮


I planted a sweet potato that had sprouts, i got my harvest in about 4 months later.


I went to use them finally and they had just sprouted ! Haha thanks for the video


❤ Neat video!!!! Thank you.😊 They're in the Morning Glory family and not a regular tuber like russets or yukons, etc...
Thank you for sharing! HSTL Zone6


The switch at "nothing" had me giggling ^^


I am currently growing purple sweet potatoes. I will cut my own slips from my potatoe vines....and put them in a big tub with some rainwater in the bottom. I'll keep them in the greenhouse to preserve them for next year.


You just saved me because I was just about to put them in the ground 🤦🏽‍♀️😂 Thank You


I literally just stored my sweet potatoes and there sprouting on there on no dif


I'm trying to start them then put in a container just for the vine.


Hahaha i experience the same thing at first nothing as i grow as regular potatoes 🤣.. this is helpful . Thank you.


I planted sweet potatoes once but I didn't know the harvest time do it just grew longer and longer


That’s weird since I have grown sweet potatoes just by putting them in the ground.


What Is the heating pad for exactly. Why do they need heating
