What Happened to DevTips THIS TIME??

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David and Mattias explain what happened to DevTips and (once again) lay out plans for the future.
🎬 Dan Abramov showing React Hooks
‼️ Follow on Twitch to get notified of next live stream
💛 Inline-evaluation: Quokka (sponsor)
Wonder how MPJ evaluates JavaScript inline his editor? Quokka is the answer - use this link when you buy to let them know you came from here:
💛 Continuous integration: CircleCI (sponsor)
Robust and sleek Docker-based Continuous Integration as a service. Mattias used CircleCI prior to them becoming a sponsor of Fun Fun Function. Their free tier is powerful enough for small personal projects, even if they are private. Use this link when you sign up to let them know you came from us:
💛 Integrated continuous testing tool: Wallaby (sponsor)
DevTips is a show for YOU who want to be inspired 👍 and learn 🖖 about programming. Hosted by David and MPJ - two notorious bug generators 💖 and teachers 🤗. Exploring code together and learning programming along the way - yay!
The recordings are done in a live stream with chat! Follow on Twitch to get notified:
DevTips has a sister channel called Fun Fun Function, check it out!
🎬 Dan Abramov showing React Hooks
‼️ Follow on Twitch to get notified of next live stream
💛 Inline-evaluation: Quokka (sponsor)
Wonder how MPJ evaluates JavaScript inline his editor? Quokka is the answer - use this link when you buy to let them know you came from here:
💛 Continuous integration: CircleCI (sponsor)
Robust and sleek Docker-based Continuous Integration as a service. Mattias used CircleCI prior to them becoming a sponsor of Fun Fun Function. Their free tier is powerful enough for small personal projects, even if they are private. Use this link when you sign up to let them know you came from us:
💛 Integrated continuous testing tool: Wallaby (sponsor)
DevTips is a show for YOU who want to be inspired 👍 and learn 🖖 about programming. Hosted by David and MPJ - two notorious bug generators 💖 and teachers 🤗. Exploring code together and learning programming along the way - yay!
The recordings are done in a live stream with chat! Follow on Twitch to get notified:
DevTips has a sister channel called Fun Fun Function, check it out!