What Happened to DevTips THIS TIME??

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David and Mattias explain what happened to DevTips and (once again) lay out plans for the future.

🎬 Dan Abramov showing React Hooks

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💛 Inline-evaluation: Quokka (sponsor)
Wonder how MPJ evaluates JavaScript inline his editor? Quokka is the answer - use this link when you buy to let them know you came from here:

💛 Continuous integration: CircleCI (sponsor)
Robust and sleek Docker-based Continuous Integration as a service. Mattias used CircleCI prior to them becoming a sponsor of Fun Fun Function. Their free tier is powerful enough for small personal projects, even if they are private. Use this link when you sign up to let them know you came from us:

💛 Integrated continuous testing tool: Wallaby (sponsor)

DevTips is a show for YOU who want to be inspired 👍 and learn 🖖 about programming. Hosted by David and MPJ - two notorious bug generators 💖 and teachers 🤗. Exploring code together and learning programming along the way - yay!

The recordings are done in a live stream with chat! Follow on Twitch to get notified:

DevTips has a sister channel called Fun Fun Function, check it out!
Рекомендации по теме

Hey, I stuck around after Travis left! lol. Kidding aside, I'm really happy to hear that you are still in the game with DevTips. Very excited to see what the next chapter involves!


Why did I keep expecting Travis to pop up behind the park bench?


Finally, I lived long enough to see Devtips releasing a new video.


I love the videos where you are coding together to build an application. It is especially good when it is a playlist spanning several videos as it gives a much more complete picture of the development process. Live streaming this and then cutting into edited youtube videos is the way to go in my opinion.


Sorry to hear something happened in your family David. Let it be known something happened to mine too not long ago and watching travis and you guys and learning coding has helped a lot with me getting back in track with and what I want to achieve in life. So I hope our love can do the same for you because we enjoy your content and you have some amazing fans. Best wishes man and hope you're getting better <3


Hi, so currently I am learning server side development . One thing a possible you can do live stream of making a full stack project or connecting front-end framework with back-end.


I would love to see more prototyping like you did with the spotify api.


I am a year into being a Junior React Developer and I am subscribed to both DevTips and FunFunFunction I enjoy both channels, maybe you could make DevTips more big picture (incorporating CSS, Design, Dev, etc. together...how it all fits together) and FFF could be more technical and topical, for example talking about typescript and linters. I think you both do a great job and look forward to seeing which direction you both choose for these channels moving forward. I do also enjoy watching MPJ and David pair program. So the business idea is a good one because it could incorporate pieces of all those big picture ideas when you get to each part (An online business needs design, development, and analytics/SEO)


Well the channel is labeled tips, so maybe a series of small and easy to digest concepts explained. Would be easier to produce and edit if it's linear and direct. You can also use the guests form FunFunFunction to do a "Dev Tip" on a topic that they are proficient in as well.


Great to see you back guys. Maybe you should finish the startup series before doing something new


Who am I? I’m a 36 yr old former public school teacher turned developer, currently attending a Fullstack bootcamp. I watch these videos for help, very entertaining help. I have very little math in my background but I love coding and I love you guys too. Thanks for being here when I need help!


I really enjoyed the projects when you tried out new web tools (next.js, webscrapping with puppeteer, etc.). To me, these videos weren't really tutorials but rather an insight into the mind of devs working with new tools which is more valuable than just watching someone code without any context on what is going on in their mind. It's more of an engineering philosophic demonstration. By watching the learning process was super useful and helpfully demonstrated how easy (or not) the tools are for devs . I know that other channels do this but you guys seem to offer a more realistic approach that is easily applicable to real world projects. Either way, I think that the content you create is great. Looking forward to the next video!


Posted 8 months ago 😭

I LOVED Travis's content, but I also love love love the content you guys have put out on this channel. It's been super helpful to me. Watching you guys build stuff almost feels like a techie version of New Yankee Workshop or something lol. Pure demonstration and inspiration.

I think you'd be surprised how many people would be satisfied with just videos of you guys sitting down and figuring stuff out while making something cool.


From Down Under - Thanks guys, really enjoy watching your videos. Keep up the good work and family comes first....


Glad to see you guys again! In terms of suggestions, I really like the idea of DevTips being about straightforward HTML, CSS, and JS while FunFunFunction is the more dev/tech heavy sister channel


Some things I would like to see:

1) WordPress Rest API integration with React with NextJS
2) Gitlab CI (Test, Build, Deploy and how to deploy using different methods of deploying)
3) Test Driven Development in the real world
4) Kubernetes examples and breakdown of the process and what things are doing
5) Some quick 5 minute pro tips on a range of topics
6) Webpack
7) Whatever tools and processes that you guys use to make your development faster.


Great to have you both back, your version of DevTips is fantastic, uniquely entertaining and there are others that have already started trying to emulate this way of finding or fumbling your way through issues. What they are missing (so far) is the natural interaction that occurs between you two, it's fun to watch as well as being educational. I like the guest idea, possibly expanding it into a theme for what is going on in the technology or area of the Guests expertise. Dan Abramov, explaining hooks, could transition into what are the big things going on with React, Context, Styled-Components maybe get Dan back to discuss how Context and Hooks combo might affect Redux. There is a gaping hole out there when it comes to good resources for explaining how to implement testing and CI/CD probably because it doesn't affect the look and feel of the app or example but in fact it is a massive need for newbies and it is one of the more difficult things to learn. A series of live streams that maybe take content from a previous React series and refactor it with tests, deploy it on popular platforms e.g. AWS, Azure, Google Cloud. show how plug it into a CI/CD process/pipeline. Deploy it into a CI/CD pipeline and then refactor it highlighting the real life issues that trip up and stop newbies. Bring in Guests who can pull apart what you have done and show how they might do it.


I'm a network guy trying to learn python for automation. I stumbled on a DevTips node.js video, which brought me here. I'd really like to move my career path towards more development in the next several years and move from network engineer to more cloud deployment and automation... I probably don't fit what you're doing here but you asked. ;) and btw, I enjoyed Mattis's node.js video.


What I loved about the original DevTips was how accessible it was. The content was often useful to beginners, juniors and mediors at the same time. It didn't require a lot of up front knowledge.

I prefer short videos over long videos, but I understand what you're saying about livestreams.


Man I would love to see dev tips bring out some content on a full stack application picking the stack working out the details etc
