Behind the scenes at Essay - Write Better. Think Better.

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Essay is a revolutionary writing platform inspired by Dr. Peterson’s influential writing guide. Essay provides a structured writing environment designed to help writers specify their aims, organize their thoughts, improve their ideas and communicate more effectively.

Mark your path forward with your thoughts. Create your character with your words. Make every word matter.

Try and try again.




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First i cleaned my room, now I'm going to do my homework. Jordan Peterson is slowly becoming my mom


When he's talking about how writing your problems on paper can help you to visualise them and sort through them, it's so true, I never realised it until recently. Think of it like having a room in your house that you've used as a dumping ground for years, anything you don't want, anything thats problematic, and anything you don't know what to do with, you just open the door and fling it in. You know you need to sort through it all and tidy it but you avoid even thinking about the task because you know it will be hard work, so instead you just don't open the door and look inside. Writing your thoughts down and being able to see them in front of you is like opening the door and being able to see exactly what is in there, and what needs to be done, and then you can start working out how to achieve it.


It honestly has been a dream come true to work with you both on this project for me and the Votary crew. It was awesome to meet you and talk on and off camera and to be a part of promoting the app and your message. We've utilized the tool in our own writing now as well, and it's definitely helpful. Thank you again!


I wish I could share this with my students without risking my job for simply sharing some JP content. Phenomenal, and exactly what young people need.


It was so warming to watch Mr. Peterson and his working together. Can't help but look up to Mr. JP as a fatherly figure. May God bless him with good health 🙏❤️


it's also cool that you have such a close relationship with your kids, doc. thanks for being an example


Dr. Peterson, you have no idea about the extent to which your work, words, and wisdom are transforming people’s lives in all sorts of ways possible. May God grant you a very long and extremely healthy and productive life, so that we all can continue to benefit from your blessings. Amem.


As an essay user, the ability to move sentences around by itself is priceless.


There is something radically inspiring about Jordan's take on the need to write.


Jordan Peterson pays a heavy toll for speaking up for young men and I hope he knows we all appreciate him. He will never be forgotten 🙂


I was a complete failure in English and writing. I understood non of it until I took a writing 101 class in college. I had a great teacher that simply gave structure to writing essays. It all clicked and opened up a new world of writing and putting my way of thinking into words. The best part of this was at the end of Writing 102, my instructor AND another English teacher both asked for a copy of my final exam essay on the Dust Bowl. Knowing how to put thoughts to words gave us our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and United States Constitution...
My question: Where are the men of those times, today? Where? Jordan Peterson reminds me the men of those times. Learned and engaged in the challenges of the times.


Thank you for all you do for humanity Dr. Peterson and you're a top-notch parent too. So very thankful for your courage to speak up!


I can certainly testify to the POWER of WRITING, even at mid-life. I went back for my MBA at the age of 40, and wrote a lot of papers/essays. All that thinking and putting thoughts on paper crystallized my thoughts and supercharged my brain. I have felt unstoppable every since!


Jordan Peterson is running a relay. Intellectual, moral and Spiritual. He is handing the baton to us. Let us not drop it.


The high production, orchestral score and epic narration just makes me really want a _Jordan Peterson Origins_ movie.


Just signed up for trial and spent 2 hrs immediately- great! I’ve been professional writer/editor in past and this is a great tool to focus and dig deeper! Highly recommend!


You made me cry. Thank you. Thank you for making this, for creating this video, for doing this work. Thank you.


This is what I wish for art that someone would develop a process artist could follow to create more effective art. Absolutely nothing is taught in schools. Writing is expressing as creating art. This app is pure gold.


The editing for this video is so charming and slick


I have to say, no one in my life, in school and outside of school has ever showed me the importance of writing. I had writing classes in school and hated them as i never saw the point of them. JP was the first to explain how important writing is, and I’m actively seeking his writing program. So thank you for that!
