Excel Unhide All Rows and Columns #shorts #excel #excelsolutions #excelhacks - Episode S0005

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Microsoft Excel Tutorial - How to Unhide ALL rows and columns?

Welcome to another Excel tutorial! In this #shorts video, I'll be showing you how to quickly unhide all rows and columns in Excel. This is a handy trick to know when working with large spreadsheets or when you accidentally hide important data.

To begin, click on the triangle above and to the left of cell A1. This will select the entire spreadsheet. Alternatively, you can use the shortcut Ctrl + A to select all cells.

Once the entire spreadsheet is selected, go to the Home tab and click on Format. From there, select Hide and Unhide and then choose Unhide Rows. This will reveal any hidden rows in your spreadsheet.

To unhide columns, follow the same steps but instead of selecting Unhide Rows, choose Unhide Columns. And just like that, all hidden rows and columns will be visible again.

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I love hearing from my viewers, so if you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them down below in the comments section. Thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video!

There appear to be a lot of people who want to know how to unhide all columns or all rows in a single command. This short video will show you how.


Table of Contents
(0:00) Problem Statement: Excel Unhide All Rows & Columns
(0:10) Select entire spreadsheet first
(0:20) Unhide Rows & Columns / Clicking Like really helps the algorithm

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