Overwintering Pepper Plants Part 2 - What I Missed

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It's time to prepare your peppers for winter. Yes, you can keep your peppers year after year. In any climate! In this video I will tie up any loose ends from the last video on Sunday. Hopefully between the two



- Neptune's Harvest Tomato & Veg Formula
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I saw your overwintering pepper videos about 10 days after I had pulled all of my plants out for the year. I was really wishing I’d seen the videos sooner. But I thought what can it hurt to try. I went out and got three of those plants- none had any leaves on them, the root ball was still there but they didn’t have any dirt on the roots for the last 10 days. I trimmed the branches like you said to do and struck three of those plants in a pot to see if they would come back to life and two of them have new growth on them. I’m pretty excited - thank you!


Rewatched the overwintering video just now and I had some of these questions and read through most of the comments but there were so many. You should pin a comment on that video with a link to this video so people can go straight to this after watching that one. Maybe you'll get over a million views on this one too! (Congrats on that btw 😉)


My organic heirloom tomatoes grow back every year from my compost bin from the tomatoes that drop the previous year and I get a ton of cherry and roma tomatoes from that I dont even have to plant tomatoes anymore


zone 5 here. Was given an early girl tomato by a relative last fall in a pot. Put it in front of a west facing window and it not only survived but produced some little tomatoes inside in January. It survived until spring and I planted it out the day after mothers day (may?) It took off and I had tomatoes in June, super early for zone 5, long before any of my other nursery grown tomatoes. Its worth it if you plan ahead IMO. This year I pulled suckers and potted them up. Just pulled my plants from the garden and brought in the tomatoes. We will be having another batch of early tomatoes, cherokee purples this time.


I have a Jim's hot pepper that I put in a large decorative pot and it was really pretty so I brought it inside for the winter then put it back out in the spring. It is now about 10 feet long! I had to attach it to the porch rail because it outgrew the stake and it put out at least 100 peppers! Now that I know the correct way to overwinter, I will just keep saving it for as long as it lasts LOL!


a couple of years ago I planted new tomato plants from seed, they survived
through the following summer. Last fall I planted again from seed, in December I had over 150 green tomatoes ripening in my living room because the temp was below 60 degrees. In the spring I had another great harvest of tomatoes from the same plants. This year I have set seeds and have nice seedlings ready to plant as soon as I can to see how they do. I have realized that as gardeners we are scientists, our gardens are our experimental labs. Thank you for helping me learn and do without having do all the experimenting myself.


I live in north Florida and had one pepper plant for about 3 years. I would bring it in only when a freeze was forecast and it produced bell peppers nearly year-round.


I first watched these videos a couple of years ago and brought my pepper plants in from the greenhouse that winter when I decided I didn’t want to heat it. They are now finishing their third summer in the greenhouse, and I will be bringing them in again. I started some more peppers this spring that I will be bringing in for their first winter. I do cut them way back, but they leafed out and even produced a few blossoms and peppers in the house.
Mine are in pots all the time, so it’s pretty easy to bring them in the laundry room and put them under the grow lights. They are sweet mini peppers that I started from the seeds of organic peppers bought at the grocery store. I started some grape tomatoes that way too, and they worked just fine. (It was during the pandemic and we were avoiding going to stores, so I cut open the last few peppers and tomatoes I had, saved the seeds, and ate the produce.)


I've been overwintering my capsicum (peppers) here in Southern NSW, Australia for the last few months. Followed the steps provided. So so happy with the results! Beautiful shots have sprouted from the stumps. Another month to 6 weeks and I'll be able to transplant outdoors again. So excited!
Thank you so much for this video!


One thing I do is always use either mosquito dunks or liquid version of Bacillus thuringiensis. If you crumble the dunks into the upper layer of soil or spray the soil, you will never see another fungus gnat. The bacterium kills the larvae. I have even bought sterile peat moss that had fungus gnats. And they can and will kill your plants. As well I mix my Neem with pyrethrin (not pyrethrum) and spray the plants before overwintering. Tomatoes also overwinter well.


My mother lives in northern MI (Traverse City area) and this year I planted her peppers that I had started from seed, in mid May with Wall-O-Waters for protection. We had the best peppers ever! We grew Big Bertha first time and I will be overwintering one for sure!


Great advise thank you. I watched a Charles Dowding video where he talked about overwintering tomatoes in England. He had one that he couldn’t regrow from seed but really liked it so he took shoots of the plant and rooted them to over winter.


I am zone 9 and I did eggplants a few years ago. The first year I did not get much but they kept growing for like 3 years and they put off so dam many eggplants !


I think it will be creating a Bonsai effect to some degree.... The roots will send out new growth but we all know that root pruning does take time away from fruiting... do I have one I left growing outside all winter here in San Bernardino, and it grew a couple peppers, but has been very slow producing new bell peppers and growth of leaves as well. The plant looks very healthy other than that. I transplanted it and gave it new amended soil and nutrients as well in April. I grow many peppers in my garden and have been blessed with a great, long harvest! Thanks for your excellent shows! Bruce H.


Sweet! I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s video! I have three coleus I need to dig up and over winter. I’m in north Idaho and buy new plants every year. Loved part 2 of overwintering peppers 🌶. I just brought mine into the house to ripen the fruit. I grow them in containers because our season isn’t long enough to fully ripen all the fruit. Can’t wait to overwinter these as well. My husband will definitely think I’ve lost my ever loving mind lol.


Wow!!! I never knew peppers are perennials!! I appreciate your sharing your gardening knowledge. This should be very helpful as peppers have such a slow start from seed. I am in zone 7B. Love these two videos and have learned so much from all your videos so far. Glad to have found your channel this year!😎🌱


This year is my first time gardening here in the US and don't know what to plant except tomatoes because of the weather/climate. My husband bought seedlings from the garden store and I planted them then I found your channel while searching for tips on growing tomatoes! 😊
I've learned a lot and applied them, thank you for the tips and tricks. Our tomatoes are still producing, have some lettuce and okra as well.


I overwintered a couple of pepper plants last year in my garage. One of the plants survived the winter hindsight maybe they both did. Nice tall plants lots of fruit in zone 5b. I'm over wintering 5 plants this year.


Hi Brian
So excited to share with you …..
I took time to overwinter a few of my peppers
I stored them in garage in front of the widows. Well they kept growing 😮 ha yep and kept trying to flower
Aside from that after planting them outside few weeks ago I am already getting peppers 😮👏😊👍
THANK YOU so much!!!!


One of my pepper plants it blooming in the basement. So it's working! Thanks bro
