Five Finger Death Punch - Brighter Side Of Grey - Official Lyric Video

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It’s hard to believe that our last record “F8” came out over 2 years ago in the beginning of 2020, born into the whirlwind of events that dominated our lives and will echo into the rest of our history. Those of you intimately familiar with that album, now know how some of F8’s dystopian lyrics became rather prophetic.

Brighter Side of Grey was an important song on that record, but especially personal to Ivan (who’s the only parent in the band).
It is a more than fitting commentary to what’s going on in the world that probably needs a good reminder right about now
that we are here only for second, a tiny blip on the flow of time… not just as individuals but as an entire species…
It took a trillion conditions to be just right for human life to exist in this Universe yet it takes just one to go terribly wrong and make it all disappear.

This song also serves as the perfect bridge to our new album we just finished this week, which generally revolves around similar existential questions.
It’s incredible how much we don’t understand about our own existence, yet everyone’s relationship with the concept of death permeates, even orients their entire lives.
Can’t wait to share it… enjoy this video, and stay tuned for new music and big tour announcements in the very near future!

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© 2020 Better Noise Music
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My husband passed last February, suddenly and he loved this song. We played it at his funeral. This song i can see him singing it at the top of his lungs. Thank you for the beautiful song and we are forever knuckleheads!😭❤


My mom just sent me this song. She was diagnosed with lung cancer with a brain tumor 3 days ago. She never really liked metal but all her kids do so she embraces it. She even danced with me to it at my wedding a month ago. I am glad she sent this to me.


I discovered this band when I was homeless. They inspired me to fight the darkness. Thank you.


My dad passed away on August 3rd, 2020. He was a police officer for the city of Houston, Texas for 30yrs. He was always there for me whenever I needed him . He was my moral compass & taught me right from wrong. I needed to hear this song today. Thank


My son chose five finger death punch to listen to as they did a rerouting of his coronary artery... He went out listening to wrong side of heaven... After his surgery the surgeon told me they played this song when they were switching his heart over to "the machine" I didnt think anything of it at the time... Was caring for my son best I could in the icu... I just listened to it tonight... For the first time. So surreal... Such a powerful message... I cried like a baby


My brother passed on 2/3/2023 at the age of 45 from melanoma. He loved FFDP and I’m sitting here bawling like a baby listening to this. He was an amazing man and a true patriot. 🇺🇸 “Remember no one ever really dies”… 💔❤️


I love this song. I'm a federal law enforcement officer. I want this song played at my funeral if "it" ever happens. I've got a wife and a 16 year old son. And, I don't want them to give up just because I'm gone. I'll be on the brighter side of grey. Love transcends all.

FFDP, you guys knocked it out of the park again!!! Rock on brothers!!!


Yesterday I was notified that my cousin that was closer than a brother was missing. I found him on a stretch of highway in a ditch dead from a motorcycle accident. This morning I heard this song for the first time on pandora and I started crying. Great song. And he loved FFDP. I will be playing it at his funeral. Thank you guys for the perfect song at the perfect moment


Ivan I met you once in Modesto ca I have been through so much since my mom was ran over by a train at work luckily God is good she’s still here my life has been a rollercoaster but your music has helped me so much 2 years after her accident which I take care of her I came out finally and found love. I would love to meet you again love that you have a Portuguese band mate I’m 100% I’m sure someone will laugh at me but your band has saved me from suicidal tendencies


My husband passed on 6/2/22 & I always said I wanted to go 1st, bc I wouldn't survive losing him & I always said to him 'I'll see you on the brighter side of grey' a few days after he passed a grey humminbird has been at my feeder everyday. In all my years, I have NEVER seen a grey hummingbird. I know it's him, from the brighter side of grey. :( <3


This is the song that I want played at my funeral. I'm not religious by any stretch of the imagination, but I would like to think that there is something after so that I can wait on the Brighter Side of Grey for my family. Keep making music, cause we can't get enough of it.


I did not expect to get this emotional today. My mom passed away a few years ago. With mothrrs day and her birthday coming up next month, she's been on my mind lately. And hearing this, it was like she was speaking directly to me


I lost my mom in August. This is something she would have loved and probably sang to me. I miss you momma


My son passed away suddenly at 32 years old, just 8 months ago. Music was a passion, some may say an obsession of his. I can hear/see him sharing this with me. Thank you FFDP for this song. I know he would have loved it.


This is exactly why i love Five FInger Death Punch because of songs like this not just by the heavy angry songs but like these kind of songs. I don't know how Ivan does it but he always manages to make songs that are so emotional and that people can relate to and it's really good. Im proud to be a FFDP fan and i will always me a fan of yalls music no matter what. I also love how beautiful Ivan's voice is. Love you Guys, rock on 🤟🤟🖤


I've been writing letters every few years to my children for them to read after I am gone and remember good times together that they may have forgotten. The words in this song are definitely going into the next letter. This song is right up there with Lee Ann Womack's "I hope you dance" and Rod Stuart's "Forever Young".


*Life is not a game it's a song*.
Love this band.
Hits reality at best.


I'm a grown ass man, but god damn I'm finding it extremely difficult to hold back these tears..
This is such a powerful song and I'm glad I have remained a 5FDP fan for all these years.


I told my youngest to play this at my funeral only to be playing at my oldest brother Chris who passed away from a horrible accident. He died April 2020 and it's hell everyday but I know we'll see him again. Rip Chris Kendall I love you! 💙💙


I am a suicide survivor and I just listen to this song for the first time and cried. That Nevers happens to me. Wow is all I can say. Thank you 5FDP!!!
