TCA9548A I2C Multiplexer Module - With Arduino and NodeMCU

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Did you ever get into a situation where you had to wire up two, three or more I2C Sensors to your Arduino just to realize that the sensors have a fixed or same I2C address? Moreover, you cannot have two devices with the same address on the same SDA/SCL pins!
So, what are your options?
Put them all on the TCA9548A 1-to-8 I2C multiplexer to get them all talking to each other on the same bus!
The TCA9548A Breakout enables communication with multiple I2C devices that have the same address making it simple to interface with them.
#TCA9548A #I2C #Arduino #NodeMCU
So, what are your options?
Put them all on the TCA9548A 1-to-8 I2C multiplexer to get them all talking to each other on the same bus!
The TCA9548A Breakout enables communication with multiple I2C devices that have the same address making it simple to interface with them.
#TCA9548A #I2C #Arduino #NodeMCU
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