Nearly a year later, COVID-19 survivors still suffering from lasting symptoms

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An estimated 10% of COVID-19 patients in the U.S. have developed lasting symptoms, including a man who still receives dialysis a year after the virus attacked his kidneys.
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This gap in the health care system has been there for a long time. Ask anyone with an invisible illness. I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome my Aunt has M.S., and we live in pain daily. We had to fight with our doctors to be heard, because of this same problem. It was all in our heads. Until it wasn't. I stand with all of these survivors. I see you! I hear you! How can we help?


I was tested Dec 8th positive it is now the end of jan 2021 I still get short of breath just walking across the apt I live in have fatigue, no taste are smell there is days when I sleep almost all day long


Had COVID last year and am still suffering lingering effects from government officials...


I caught COVID back in November and my brain still feels like it's recovering. My memory isn't the same anymore, I forget words and dates constantly. I remember how scared I was when I realized I had forgotten my dad's birthday after anticipating it the day before. I hope it doesn't stay like this forever, I'm only 20.


Her poor wallet from the medical bills


Jesus Christ died for our Sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day praying for everyone everyday God bless you all


I tested Positive on Dec. 23rd. It was like no other flu/cold anything I've ever experienced. The week prior to this I started running a low-grade fever and my legs hurt really bad. I was, well I guess I still am. An essential worker. (Got tested-negative*) Had to go into work sadly.. 4 days later the fever was steady at 102. Got tested again. Negative* 24 hours later I couldn't breathe. Went to the ER tested positive.* Slept for 10-12 hours a day for 7 days. Here it is 1/27 I still can't walk up the stairs without losing my breath and my legs feeling like rubber bands. I know how blessed I am to make it through it. My condolences to everyone that lost the battle and all the families this mess has caused.


Watching this was terrifying. And I'm amazed at the lack of empathy from some people. I've never been diagnosed with c19. My 75 yr. old dad thinks it's all bullshit while my 19 yr. old nephew is c19 positive with horrible symptoms. My heart goes out to anyone who suffers whether they be c19 positives or not.
Now, did anyone hear the chick try to say sparse? It came out 'spairs'.


The vascular damage that COVID-19 does can be pretty severe and take months to heal. In some rare cases, it may be permanent but the body is pretty good at healing itself if given enough time. I have a good friend who tested positive about 6 months ago and he is still struggling with fatigue and shortness of breath.


I feel so bad for my daughter she apparently is a long-hauler


And some people still think it's not real
It's crazy


Ugh. I tested positive yesterday. Got mild symptoms but for me its like a shitty ass chest cold. Really hoping it doesn’t get worse than this.


Most important thing is also to focus on your overall health. Obesity, diabetes, etc are killers. Those are the people who tend to have lingering symptoms if they survive also. There also is a psychosomatic component to it as well. Very likely people who have poor coping mechanisms at baseline will continue to have lingering symptoms. Doesn't mean what they are experiencing is imagined but mental health is also very important to look at. And finally, many of these people ignore the advice of physicians and healthcare workers, congregated like crazy especially during holidays and maskless to boot and then when they get sick, come to the hospital expecting miracles and the red carpet treatment. Even those who congregated and didn't physically get sick spread it to others.


These symptoms mirror symptoms from Lupus and other auto immune diseases. I hope they can find a treatment for this. My heart goes out to all of them.


With the exception of the 13 year old girl, most of these people have pre existing conditions such as being obese and diabetes! Doesn't matter how younger they are, seems to me like this is why they are still sick.


His wife is not doing her family any favors for being morbidly overweight.


I feel for these people, having lost family members myself.


OMG, Since Covid, my legs hurt so bad, shortness of breath...sometimes I stand up and I can barely walk


That is me and definitely my mom. Luckily we didn't have breathing issues at all. I would compare it to the flu x100. I felt nausea and dizziness. My mom is better but has awful muscle pain like arthritis. She can't even turn on her car. Pain in shoulder and and wrist and then it goes some other places. Numb mouth. No appetite. I can lose weight but my mom is too thin. We got it Thanksgiving and still feeling exhaustion. Everyone in my family was sick not too bad. My daughter was asymptomatic thank God!! Please be careful


I have Fibromyalgia. These patients have a lot of the same symptoms as us, except the breathing issues. But the pain and the muscle cramps, not being able to walk. Been going through this for 20 plus years.
