Review: LYRA-8 explained // SOMA LABS

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LYRA-8 is a synth that behaves like it's from outer-space. From otherworldy drones to modulations that certainly aren't from Kansas, LYRA-8 isn't like any other synth.

But is that a good thing? Check it out if you're ready to step outside your comfort and into the twilight zone...

Want to download MP3 versions of the intro and outro jams, as well as more worldly synth ideas, tips and tricks? Check out my book on Patreon:

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Other gear used in this video:
4MS Pods
Divkid Mutes
ALM Pam's New Workout
Befaco Muxclicer
Voicas Mixverter
UNO Drum

For a lot of LYRA awesomeness, check out j bowman's channel (thanks to Lance Drake for telling me about this!):

Other places I hang out:

My music:

0:00 Intro jam
1:35 Overview
4:55 Envelope control
7:45 Modulation
11:00 Cross mod
12:35 Vibrato
13:10 Total feedback
13:30 Hyper LFO
14:25 Delay controls
15:45 Delay modulation
17:05 Drive
17:35 External in
18:45 Hold gate
19:05 CV Delay
19:55 CV Voices
21:00 Pros & cons
22:50 Outro jam

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NOTE: Occasionally I’ll try out affiliate marketing and include affiliate links. This means that I may earn a commission when you click on or make purchases via affiliate links. The content of this clip is entirely my opinion, and was not paid for or dictated in any way by the company creating the gear. Without addressing the particulars of products shown here as they might be under NDA, gear shown on this channel may be either sent by the manufacturer, on loan for review or bought at a discount.
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"...Costs a little extra" gave me a good chuckle. Haha


Epic horror movie synth - I have a black one and have sat down for a couple hours and just been fascinated at what evolved. The thing is really well built and looks/feels like an instrument out of a 1950s military lab.


Gotta say, I was real curious to see how the world’s most lucid synth explainer would approach an instrument that’s completely chaotic ... but by God you did it. I especially liked the various gentle warnings about what NOT to expect, lol.


I used this in a live performance recently re-scoring a silent movie and it was a wonderful instrument/band mate! There were beautiful patterns and sequences coming out of it where I just had to pause whatever else I was going to do and just listen to what Lyra wanted to do!


Thanks @loopop for reviewing by request! SUPER AWESOME OF YOU TO DO SO!


I love this video. This is my users manual, I always come back here when I cant remember something about my lyra 8.


Wow so Industrial voice! It's like Throbbing Gristle synth


The Lyra always sends a tingle down my spine when jamming. Great review.


I’ve had a LYRA-8 for 18 months and record with it all the time but after watching this video I’ve found a whole lot of new ways of getting sound out of it. Thanks so much. And what an incredible instrument!


ooooh that modulated delay section is great! Tuning those into odd intervals and weird spacey reflections is great. Great to see Mutes in use too.


I've had my Lyra-8 for about four months and it doesn't cease to amaze me. So much that, if I were forced to sell all my other synths, I would keep the Lyra-8. This review doesn't even scratch the surface of the sounds this thing generates. It is unique, always surprising, always a delight to operate. There's nothing else like it on the market.


"Feel like a cigarette afterwards, even though I don't smoke."
*Ha*Ha*Ha* !


I've had a Lyra almost two years and I still learnt something watching this video.


"Finding my self wanting a cigarette, and I don't even smoke" Lol! : D
I love my Lyra. sometimes it meows and purrs like a kitten, other times it roars like a bunch of seagulls, lions, tigers, T-rexes, whales, spaceships, those sort of things.
You could have mentioned the Eurorack version of this instrument though. Lyra 8-FX. Anyway, thanks for showing me new tricks, love your work <3


I was on the fence about this, but your vid made me need this. Beautiful quirky synth


Just got notice yesterday that mine was on its way from Perfect Circuit. I absolutely cannot wait. This video was a big push for me to grab the orange model I found. I think this will go well with my semi modular synths, eurorack rig and guitar effects pedals. This is almost exactly up my alley, as I love drone, experimental noise, ambient, .. this is definitely for me. I wish I shad the scratch to pre order an Erica Syntrx, which is also an experimental looking beast. Fantastic video.


What a BEAST! A must have for utter creative improv... but always have ProTools recording! It is like a new animal.


loopop: the review will begin in just a bit, I promise...
me: take your time man, better take the whole video!


You're always so calm in your videos, but in this one there is so much pure joy in you, I feel like you can't hold it when tweaking this synth! Thanks for these emotions, Loopop!


You have the best reviews in the known Universe! Thank you for all the great work that you do for us! Now I've got to find myself an excuses to buy a Lyra asap! :D
