Breast Cancer Survivor Story | Doreen DiSalvo | The Patient Story

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Doreen DiSalvo is a breast cancer survivor. This is her story.

Doreen was diagnosed with stage 2A breast cancer in 2017. Watch as she shares her story from diagnosis, through chemo, surgery, radiation, and into recovery. She also shares her insight on dealing with hair loss, working through treatment, and how treatment affects your emotions.

[ Click "CC" for captions. ]

0:12 What were your first symptoms?
1:14 How did you find out it was cancer?
3:18 How did you react to the diagnosis?
4:51 What was your experience with chemo like?
8:19 What was the hardest part about being treated with chemo?
9:29 How did you deal with the hair loss?
13:39: Can you talk about the preparations for surgery?
16:27 What was radiation like?
18:31 You chose to work through treatment?
19:57 Is there a message you want people watching this to hear?



The Patient Story turns in-depth interviews from recent cancer survivors into a FAQ format-story along with timelines to give newly diagnosed patients and caregivers a sense of what their lives may look like in the upcoming months. Hear straight from the people who've already been through it.


A message from our founder:

My name is Stephanie.

In 2013, I found a story that touched my heart: a group of friends were fighting to raise awareness about bone marrow donations for a young woman who'd been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It had spread to her brain.

Nina was in dire need of a bone marrow transplant. She's of Asian descent, which narrowed her odds of finding a match (fewer people of the same race and ethnicity registered to donate).

The good news: she found a donor! The wife and mother of two is living happily. I couldn't be happier.
The "odd" news: I was diagnosed with the same cancer, same sub-type just three years later.

That motivated me to create The Patient Story: a company to help cancer patients and caregivers by giving them real answers from real people - people who've actually been through the experience.

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You rock girl. I wanted to mention one thing no one told me which I am facing now is that when you have radiation about 5 yrs after you have a good chance of getting thyroid cancer from the radiation. Be diligent and get this checked. No one told me this part and now I am scared as hell it may have spread to my lungs because I am having short of breath. You are your own voice. Make them do tests you think you should have. Thank you so much for your story, I think it was spot on as to me going through the same thing. God bless you all out there. Remember your faith, there is hope.🤗🙏❤️


Well said .For any women out there that are going for chemo or radiotherapy please please remember the experience is different for every woman .I started losing my hair after 2 weeks and got it cut off and the sooner I did it the better I felt .Its takes courage to tell this story but it helps .Well done .


Hi Doreen. Thank you. I was just diagnosed with Stage IIIA E/R - HER2+ breast cancer in early March 2022. I just finished 6 rounds adjuntive chemo with taxotere and carboplatin and Phesgo (love that targeted chemo). Surgery is at the end of August. Mastectomy and lymph nodes to be removed with targeted therapy and some hot radiation coming my way. I love your honesty and directness. I have been trying to work and you are right when you said it was keeping you occupied and not thinking about your cancer all day. It IS All about the earings too! Thank you for your information regarding the process of chemo and side effects of radiation. Like you, I want to know what to expect.


What a amazing woman. Thank you for your story and for all the help you put in to the world. What one terrible person thumbs downed this?


Thank you for sharing your journey with us, Doreen! You are an inspiration to those of us on this path. You are so blessed to have so many who support and care for you. Bless you now and always.💕


This is amazing. I’m almost done with chemo and schedule radiation in November. Thank you for telling the truth about radiation.


What a beautiful woman....and her smile at the end says it all. !!


Thank you for sharing your story. I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma stage 1B triple positive. I had a mastectomy, 33 rounds of radiation and just finished 13 months of chemo.


It didn't impact me because I went through pretty much the same thing. I didn't mind the radiation, my skin blistered and ozzed fluids . That was 14 years ago 👍👍👍. My mother died from breast cancer at 55, I had always assumed that it would happen to me. I wasn't scared, the chemotherapy treatment was bad for me . The side effects were awful . It's over and I am fine . Hasn't changed my outlook at all .


Wouldn't the world be a more peaceful, calming, relaxing, and less vain place to live if everyone (both men and women) shaved off all their hair and keep it off, or very short. What a wonderful wish to hope for. The beauty and cosmetic industry got us thinking and living in this society thinking about our looks all the time and looking constantly in the mirror, all the industry cares about is making lots of money. Love yourself, with or without any hair.


wow! Doreen is awesome! i got diagnosed but wont be doing chemo. i dont think i would live threw it. im 58 stage 2. im having lumpectomy


Hi. Great explanation! You did great and you are very strong! I had grade 3 stage 2b her2 positive. I was diagnosed at 44 yo. I am 3 years clear! - I got very sick- couldn’t work at all for nearly 2 years! Got serious low blood counts ( had a throat infection ) and suffered from neutropenia so had to get special shots and was hospitalised nearly septic for a week! More serious than I thought! - but not uncommon! Had a port too! The hair thing does get you initially! Had a reaction to carboplatin! Was sooo happy when chemo finished! So I have to find more employment- not so physical! I hope to still get my old self back after working again! - Haven’t felt great since- a lot I think is fear of recurrance! - It takes awhile to stop thinking of! Keeping reasonably busy is best! I’m glad ur friends were supportive! - I hope they still will be for awhile yet! I had counselling in two rounds- and now I refuse to take any crap from anyone in my life- cause life is sooo short! Wishing you all the best for your future! I know you will do well! You look great! Cheers.x


I'm feeling very fortunate to find Doreen's video. I too gained about 20 lbs a couple of years before I was correctly diagnosed with triple positive HER2 stage 1 in March 2022. I suspected it was cancer related as the only other time I had a weight gain was when I had metastatic thyroid cancer many years before. I finished the chemo and radiation recently. Unfortunately I can't tolerate the hormone blockers, but I'm grateful for feeling better after all this and looking forward to continued healing. Thank you Doreen! You're a great inspiration to me.😘❤️


I feel sad, depressed today upon waiting for my biopsy result I 've just known that my cousin is currently suffering brain tumor....All I thought was we don't have history of cancer....but you know what I feel about Gods Grace in our family because she is now serving God..and currently I'm also beginning to follow Jesus...thank you Lord for strength..


Thank you for sharing your story!! I’m 1yr out from being diagnosed and I’m 6 months post treatment. It’s been a long road but I’m happy to say that I’m finally starting to feel like myself again. 44 yrs old - dealing with breast cancer and a never ending pandemic was brutal!!


Really enjoyed your video so thank you for that. I’ve been diagnosed as well but in my nodes.
I had a unilateral mastectomy and now wait to meet with the oncologist soon to discuss treatment.
What really got my attention in your video is your weight gain prior to. I have gained 25 lbs in the last 3
Years just out of nowhere. I asked if this could be a symptom and she kind of smirked, no.
Mine is hormonal as well so you kind of think this makes sense, no?
I’ve also been told to expect more weight gain through chemo, oh great!
Of course this is the last thing I should worry about but still bald and fat just
Isn’t sitting well with me. Thank you for your braveness in telling your story, it will help many understand what’s ahead. I’m practicing
Holding my breath for radiation . All the best to you


I am 2b cancer survivor how are you now? Hope we live more longer…


So strong, this is why women rule the world . My wife is stage 3 breast cancer, and the hardest thing I've ever done is shave her head . Fantastic woman


Thank you for this....for being candid and straightforward for all those facing similar cancer fears.
I hope you're keeping your head up, appreciating life, and powering through your journey.


thank you for taking the time to make this video and sharing your Beast Cancer Survivor story with us
