My TOP Secret to Making Your Blog Posts Look Professional | Advice From a 7-Figure Blogger

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*The discount code will work for Yearly Thrive Architect, Yearly Thrive Suite, and Quarterly Thrive Suite.*

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In my opinion, your first month of blogging is one of the hardest. You're learning so much new information on top of trying to stay consistent with a new schedule.

I've learned a lot in the last 5 years so today I'm sharing my best tips for your first month of blogging and how you can be as successful as possible. I hope you enjoy!

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This video contains my affiliate links at no extra cost to you.
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Finding the right theme for you definitely helps bloggers emit a professional vibe, Sophia. The trick is to get clear on your theme. From there, feeling confident about it, you feel like a pro and convey that vibe to readers. I went with a bespoke, simple theme that felt good for me. My readers mirrored similar feedback back to me. We want to find what works in terms of mental clarity. From there, readers perceive our blogs in a more trusted light. Thanks for sharing with us.


Thank you so much! I've been struggling with the Wordpress website I created for the first time ever since the beginning of May, and not only that. Google Analytics, Adsense, Tag, you name it, It is a struggle and I haven't been able to post a single word. I feel like I'm running in circles. Thanks again.


I had added Thrive to my website, super excited about it after listening to you talk about it. Unfortunately, it did not work with my current theme and messed up the look of my entire website. I contacted their support team and they told me unfortunately it was incompatible with my theme. So I think this plugin is great, IF you use it from the very beginning. It would have taken me way too many hours to edit my website to fix it, maybe never being able to fix it at all. So be ware of that!


Can't wait to try this with my blog, sounds like it will make it way more esthetically pleasing


Hi Sophia!

I love your videos, I find them so easy to digest and learn from. Thank you ❤


Almost 8 minutes just to recommend a plug in? I decided to watch this video because it seemed short, but turned out to be a waste of time.


Can you do a video about taxes, how do you pay yourself with a deduction, how to set up a employee payments


Hmm ok I have a question; if you already have a Wordpress theme you love, does this mean you have to start over with a new theme from thrive? Or are you able to use their templates (once purchased) and plug them into your existing theme? Because while this sounds nice, I love my theme and don’t want to dump it especially after paying for a nice one, including install services, and now having learned a lot about how to use it on my own. Hope that question makes sense 😂


I have a question. When you create a blog post you write as you're writing an essay or paper for a class. Is that right? How often do you use this method to create blog posts.


I'm trying to buy your course, but your links don't seem to be working... is there another way to purchase?


Thank you for this plug, it will really help once I start.


Great video! Can you do a video on your graphics in your templates? Does any of your courses cover it? I’ll gladly buy it?


Thrive currently has a 50% off discount. Is your code an additional 10% off???


Hi Sophie, I have signed up for your blogging course and I am having trouble and can't find out how to message you. I tried to join the facebook for students but I was rejected and I am getting worried. Please can you advice me how to contact you or your team to help me? I love your content but I need help and have questions. Thank you, Dani


Hey Sophia, I just watched your video and I must say that it was really informative and well-made. I loved your videos. I was wondering if I could help you edit your videos and also make highly engaging shorts for you?


this is literally an ad for thrive... not helpful


Why do wordpress instead of wix just curious?
