Understanding Light in Photography Part 2-Color

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Photography tutorial part two! In this video we discuss how the color of light can impact your photographs. We also look at some color problems and how to fix them.

Cap and Dr. Strange are by Hottoys. Extremely overpriced. Don't do it.

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Camera on me: Fujifilm XT20
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First time here? Hi, I'm Omar Gonzalez, a professional portrait and event photographer in the NYC/NJ area. On this channel, we talk cameras, lenses, and techniques to improve our photography.
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The Moe and O Show:

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Thing is that photography guides may get less views than the gear, but the guides create your solid fanbase that sticks with you long term. I'm a subscriber for the guides as well as the personal stuff - not the gear. Because gear videos are not unique they can be easily used to get info without subscribing because there are so many that will get the job done, but with guides and other personal vids we get to see the real you and create a connection = unique factor+long term loyalty.


These tutorials are fantastically helpful and engaging Omar. You really knocked it out of the park with these. Thanks so much!


I started watching for the gear, but these tutorials are great!


Great job Omar. Showing real examples makes it so clear. When I first started in photography the whole concept of white balance was so foreign and I struggled to find an understandable explanation. This would have been so useful.


I can’t believe how simple you have made this. Thank you a million times … this is clearer than my course work…


This was new information to me, as a relatively new photographer. Thank you SO much for taking the time to explain color and white balance. You're the best.


Nothing better than watching a passionate professional sharing knowledge and enjoying it. Even though I already understand the concept, I'm here to learn but also to boost my passion for photography, and you always nails it! Many many thanks mate!


Fantastic tutorial as always. There are a lot of reasons to follow you, your communication skills, your technical knowledge, etc but the main reason is that you transpire honesty. It doesn't matter if you are reviewing gear or explaining some technical aspect, you don't try to get lots of views using a catchy title, don't try to sell nothing you wouldn't buy and only try to help as honestly as possible to the people that finds your channel looking for some information. I'm tired of "professional" YouTubers churning out videos for a living at speed only worried about the views and not for the message.


These tutorials are amazing! I have subscribed after watching one of your gear videos actually, but now I can't stop watching your photography tutorials, you make everything so much easy and fun to learn! Thanks, Omar! Pls keep doing this! :)


10 years been doing photography for fun and I have never understood the white balance concept. Now I finally do thanks to your explanation Omar, thank you so much for this video !!


You made this video 3 years ago and today I'm using them to improve my photography. You have a new follower thank you!


Thank you! I studied photography many years ago, but having had other work for many years, because of the necessity to have a stable income, my phototime has dropped off alot. But now I want to brush it up and hopefully start doing som work again, and I have forgot many things, so grateful that you are making these not only gear stuff (thats also fun!) I also love your humour and the more personal videos combined with tips and tricks. Really liked your composition video where you explained mistakes in your older photos!


I'm a beginner photographer so I love photography tutorial. I've watched dozens. I find you're a good teacher so I subscribed to your page. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.


This is very helpful. My not-so-sophisticated solution is to shoot in RAW, then find some neutral gray in the scene and adjust in post. One of the reasons I don't like jpegs for events is that inevitably I'm moving from one kind of light to another and I know I can't rely on AWB in jpeg mode to be consistently right when the light is changing.


i haven't watched the whole series of lighting tutorials you made, but dude... you explain the science behind it soooo well. Thank you for these videos ^-^


These videos might tank, but we love you for them. You always make it seem like you actually want to talk to us personally and not just throw content out there...and I think you do, so that's awesome.
And I actually learned something today. Those things are kinda obvious I guess, but it is awesome to have it pointed out and what to do with it.


Super helpful! Maybe you can do a 2nd part to this section to explain further the principles and tips and tricks in practical terms thanks bud.


Tutorials are better than those product reviews. what's important are not the gears but the brain behind it:) Thanks Omar! Keep being fun and educational!


Man, Omar, your tutorials are so awesome! I love the way you explain these concepts super simply and give real time examples, SO helpful! Tbh I've been playing with cameras for years and never really understood how in-camera white balance works, so thank you!!


Your tutorials are the best, I'm the beginner in the photography, with you I learned and understand in a simple way what many other complicate. thanks so much! Azores - Portugal
