I Swam with 100 Manatees!

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On this adventure Mark is heading back to Florida to attempt to find a legendary spring that is said to be one of the last strongholds of the Florida manatee. Every winter hundreds of manatees make their way to Crystal River to escape the cold but with their numbers in decline will the team be able to swim in this one of kind manatee paradise? Or, has the chance to swim with over 100 manatees become a thing of the past?
Get ready, this adventure is taking us underwater and into the realm of the most beloved creature in the state of Florida. It’s manatee time!
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Please do not attempt to recreate what you’ve seen in this video. The locations in this video are open to the public but please respect posted signs, rules and guidance from local wildlife officials when visiting.
For clarity here are some guidelines if you do enter the water with manatee in Crystal River, please refrain from:
Chasing or pursuing a manatee. (Note, when we entered the spring we "followed" general flow of traffic, not specific manatees. There is only one entry to the spring and it's nearly impossible to swim in without seeing manatee coming and going. If a particular manatee moves away from you, just wait for a bit, more will likely show up soon enough)
Disturbing or touching a resting* or feeding manatee
Diving from the surface onto a resting or feeding manatee
Cornering or surrounding a manatee
Riding, holding, grabbing, pinching, poking, prodding, or stabbing a manatee with anything, including your hands and feet. (Rangers recommend only passive touching with one open hand)
Standing on a manatee
Separating a mother and calf or separating a group of manatees
Giving manatee(s) anything to eat or drink
Actively initiating contact with belted/tagged manatee(s)
Interfering with rescue and research activities
The Brave Wilderness hosts and crew are professionally trained and routinely receive assistance from wildlife experts, guides, and safety personnel when filming to ensure the safety of our crew and all wildlife. No animals were harmed or removed from their natural habitat while making this video.