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Christians are called to complete transformation
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Im 19 years old turning 20 this year just accidentally found your video about LUST yesterday and it helps me a lot and i'll keep on watching and listening to your words thank you.


The fact that a holy man standing in a field of sheep talking about God and Jesus, can gain 270, 000 followers means there is something big going on in the world.


God bless you all who read this comment and watch this video!


I have decided to convert to orthodoxy, and looking to go to an orthodox Church. You have helped me on this journey, thank you father spyridon


I am too far from God, nowhere near Christlike. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me, a sinner. God bless you father Spyridon and all of you my sisters and brothers in Christ.


My Mom just died. She fought a terrible illness. Before she died, God and Mary visited me in a vision. I asked them to comfort my mom. I proceeded to watch my mother speak to someone while breathing through a mask. No physical person was there. My mom stated the following day that her deceased mother visited her and said she would take her home if that is what she wanted.

My mom died in hospice hours later.

God is very real. And he is very good. Very merciful. Align your will with God. Pray for struggle so that it makes you Holy.

Pick up your Cross. If you see others struggling, help them carry theirs. Do not listen to Satan.

You belong to Jesus Christ.

God is Just and Merciful. And he is always listening. You are never alone in any struggle.

Pray often.


I listen to father spirydon while in class. Only when everyone is just talking and gossiping


Happy Easter to all the Catholic brothers and sisters.
Edit: I am not a theologian, just a simple man and historian. I am not catholic, but I grew up Catholic. I have family and friends who are Orthodox and Catholic, and I just wanted to show love.


Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.
Thank you for your words Father.


Happy resurrection day to all my brothers and sisters in Christ no matter the denomination


I am suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It's a debilitating and soul-wrecking condition. Please, pray for my health and recovery.


may god bless everyone who's watching that video and who will watch it in future. May god fill their hearts with his precious love.


Hey everyone please pray for Ethiopia. Abiy Ahmed (the prime minister) is killing Christians. Monks and mothers are being raped, children being killed, churches being burnt. It is very saddening and no one shares the message. It is inhumane what is happening right now, I hope that other Orthodox churches start speaking about it to prevent the complete extinction of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.


I do not have parish near me. I'm disabled and subscribed to your channel, Father, looking for guidance and to hear what our gracious Lord has placed on your heart. Thank you for serving and to help feed our souls with bread that our loving God gave to man.


Guys keep struggling and pushing. I’m young in Christ and struggle with the flesh, but recently I’ve had a breakthrough. It’s as though I can feel God speak to me internally. “Why are you afraid my son? Why is your faith in Me so small?” Praise be to the Triune God!


May God Jesus Christ bless everyone, amen.


This latest heart-warming speech was posted on the second Sunday of the Lent, a day that our Church commemorates St Gregory Palamas, who Father Spyridon quotes in so many of his talks. I recently bought a volume on the Saint’s Homilies and a small treatise on Hesychasm (Holy Hesychia) and was astounded by the soul-piercing wisdom and intellectual prowess of his arguments. Such is St. Gregory Palamas work that our Church considers him as the fourth Holy Hierarch -so grateful to have brought this Saint into my life 🙏


may christ give me the strength to become christ-like!!!


I'm 17. my life was flipped upside down on January 1st. Jesus had exposed my lifestyle and my corrupt heart and called me back to the life he promises. I was living in chosen blindness from his word and him. through my relationship with my girlfriend, he had given me humility. I was living a life of lies and lust. When my girlfriend found out, she chosen rightly to dump me. now she just wants time away from me. I now see the errors of my ways and am trying to better myself every day through him. I ask that you all pray for me in that my partner has a change of heart and forgives me as Christ has.


I dnt know what's going on with me, I feel like I'm under a spiritual attack, I feel so lonely nd depressed lately nd have negative thoughts I dnt feel like myself I need help 😢I feel so much weight on my shoulders. Jesus Christ please save me and protect me
