Final Fantasy X HD - Wakka and Lulu.

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Tidus - Girl he likes likes him back
Wakka - Girl he likes likes his deceased brother


Man that little bit at the end when they talk about their parents 😢


I fucking love Lulu! Not just love, but fucking love!!


Unlike Final Fantasy Record Keeper theater scene app game with Tidus, Tyro and Elarra hearing Wakka and Lulu talking with him instead line "What" original game "Should what?" then another different line "You sure?" and original game "Why not?" it's wrong voice line properly for Wakka "Well, him and Yuna, I guess." Should speaking properly voice acting. Tidus staying in the stairs boat hearing it that's why.


Ok so I am obviously not alone with this cuz I have several people from various social media agreeing with this and it seems to be growing substantially.
But that doesn’t make sense is that in FF X-2 Lulu and Wakka are for some reasonX married and have a baby. Like since when did they ever have feelings for each other? Like in the first FFX game, they NEVER once showed any romantic interest in each other. In fact, Wakka even said that he always saw Lulu as a sister. Especially when he was a kid. Cuz she was going to marry Chappu (his older brother) and even after he was tragically killed, Wakka’s feelings and view of Lulu has never changed. I know some of you will bring two moments to try and justify it but I will gladly debunk those arguments.
First is the moment, Lulu hugs Wakka after the Blitzball tournament. Ok how is that romantic? She is only comforting him cuz he was hurt and she cares for his well-being. None of that translates to romantic. Nor is that consistent to it.
Second, is the moment Tidus talks to Lulu and suggests she should be with Wakka cuz they “Have so much in common”. But if you ACTUALLY pay attention to the dialogue, Lulu shoots down his idea and says “It’s not that simple” implying that having so much in common doesn’t mean she has feelings for him. Like again, people forget that she rejects Tidus’ idea (rather gently). So please don’t bother taking those two moments out of context to try and justify your argument cuz that just makes you predictable and pathetic.
And all throughout the rest of FFX, not once did they ever share any romantic moments. Not once. Not even in the remake. You can’t even point one out.
Yet low and behold in X-2, they are married without any explanation or context. Just thrown in there for no reason. So don’t even bother trying to make excuses for that. I feel Nojima is infamous for this. Cuz in a lot of FF games a lot of romance is last minute played or shown without context. Like it made absolutely no sense for Lulu and Wakka to get married when they clearly showed no romantic feelings for each other in the first game. Especially when Wakka said he always saw Lulu as a sister. So not only was that awkward, it just made no sense. It’s like the developers didn’t even stop and think about what they were writing. Or just completely forgot like Nojima tends to do at times. Again, I am not alone on this cuz many people of social media and forums are all agreeing that is dumb and completely pointless. Especially with lack of context and legit chemistry between the two. Even Lulu fans and role players agree with that and want to forget that even happened.
